Timeless Marketing Wisdom from Shakespeare and Lao Tzu (What’s Your Unique Selling Proposition?)
Danny Iny
Know thyself.
It’s one of the oldest and wisest directives you’ll ever find.
It was carved into the forecourt of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, and the same sentiment is expressed in sources of wisdom as diverse as the Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and the Songs of Solomon.
If you care about marketing, you should take heed; these sources have been talked about for thousands of years, so clearly they knew a thing or two about marketing!
Knowing thyself isn’t an easy directive to follow, but the rewards are great for those who do.
So let’s talk about how you can do it, and what benefits it will bring you…
What Makes a Good Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
In the context of business and marketing, knowing thyself is knowing your unique selling proposition (USP). It’s what you need to talk about, think about, write about, and blog about.
And most importantly, it’s what you need to deliver to your customers.
It’s very simple, at least in concept: just a few simple words expressing what you offer. Here are a few examples from the online world that you’re probably familiar with:
Social Triggers: psychology and conversion
Think Traffic: traffic for thinking people
MarketingProfs: marketing for professional marketers
Duct Tape Marketing: marketing on a budget
(And no, these aren’t “authorized USPs” or whatever – they’re just the obvious summaries of what each of these brands is about.)
So… how do you go about creating one?
Some people will tell you that you should focus on the “what” that people are looking for (like traffic), and others will tell you to focus on the “how” through which they’ll get it (like psychology and conversion).
The truth is that both sides are right, but only partially right.
The best answer is that your unique selling proposition needs to be something that, when your target audience hears you say it, will get them to respond with “I want that!”
Not “that sounds interesting”, not “tell me more”, and not “what does that mean” – the USP is only good if their response will be “I want that!”
Well, ironically, the first step to figuring out what will get your audience to say that “I want that!” (i.e. your USP, which is all about knowing thyself) is to figure out who your audience is in the first place!
Start by Knowing Who You Serve
Some things are universal; we all need to eat, sleep, live, and love.
If you’re fulfilling one of those basic needs, then your target audience is easily defined as the group of people who have that problem (food banks for people who are hungry, sleep therapy for insomniacs, the cure for cancer for people who have that illness, etc.).
Most likely, though, you’re offering something that doesn’t appeal to quite as wide an audience, so you need to figure out exactly who that audience really is.
This all boils down to creating your customer profiles, and getting really clear about exactly who you’re targeting – who they are, what matters to them, what they care about, what functional problem or need of theirs you’re addressing, the emotional vs. rational benefits that they are after, and the psychosocial motivations driving it all.
Doing this properly takes some time and effort, but it isn’t the really hard part.
Now that you know who your audience is, you need to come up with the unique selling proposition, and that’s when you run up against the Curse of Knowledge…
The Curse of Knowledge and the Lessons from the Barefoot Shoemaker
We all suffer from the Curse of Knowledge.
Simply put, the curse of knowledge means that we know our work so well that we have trouble putting ourselves in the shoes and minds of our target audience.
We know what they need, and we know what their problems are, so that’s what we focus on – and that’s the problem.
Why is that a problem?
Because often, they *don’t* know what the problem is, and so we end up talking about things that they might really need, but aren’t really *looking for*.
In other words, we don’t create the “I want it!” response.
This happens to all of us… even the boys here at Mirasee.
The target audience of Mirasee is small business owners and entrepreneurs with 0-10 employee. They’re hard working and passionate, but they’ve never really learned how to *do* marketing. They’re smart and engaged, which means that they aren’t looking for shallow “5 steps to marketing with Twitter”-type articles; they’re open to and interested in understanding why and how things work, as long as it will get them real results in their own businesses.
Knowing all that, what did we come up with as our USP (and tag-line) when we first launched over a year ago?
The definitive marketing program for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-marketers.
Yup, that’s really what two marketing experts came up with. Doesn’t make you scream out “I want it!”, does it?
But if you think about it, it’s *exactly* what we offer, to *exactly* the people we are targeting.
The problem is that nobody but the two of us knows exactly what we mean by “definitive”, most people want tactics, strategies, and results as opposed to a “program” (even though the program is what will get them all those things), and nobody self-identifies as a “non-marketer”.
So when we redesigned the blog back in July, we changed the USP and tag-line to:
This was a bit better – at least it wasn’t such a mouthful! But it doesn’t lead to a strong “I want it!” response, either. It still had the problem that nobody self-identifies as a “non-marketer”, and begs the question of what exactly is “expert marketing”, anyway? (It was obvious in our minds, and *only* in our minds!)
So it’s time for another change…
“Marketing That Works”: Third time’s the charm?
So we went back to the drawing board, and came up with a new formulation of our unique selling proposition:
“Marketing that works.”
Of course, you’ll have to ask me again in six months, but right now my feeling is that this one is a keeper.
For starters, “marketing” is something that our target audience knows they need help with, once they think about it a little bit – and we want the ones who do a little bit of thinking, and who are past the point of looking for a “five step strategy to instant success”.
“That works” is vague and clear all at the same time; if we try to define it, we’ll get all tangled up in words, but on an intuitive level, we all know what it means – it gets the results that it was supposed to get, and that’s what we’re all about here.
And does it create an “I want it!” response? I think so, and I hope so – but ask me again in a few months! 😉
And then, of course, you have to deliver!
Nailing down a USP that works for you and your audience isn’t the end, it’s the beginning.
The rest is all about delivering on your promise – just like we have to now on the promise of giving you “marketing that works”.
Here’s how we’re going to deliver, and what you can look forward to from us in 2012:
- Thorough, robust, and effective marketing tactics and strategies that you can use
- Insight into how marketing works and what makes people buy
- Case studies and examples to show you what to do, and what not to
And we’re not going to waste any time either – we’ve got something extra special planned for this month, which we’ll be announcing in just a couple of days.
In the meantime, I’d love for you to let us know what exactly you’d like us to write and teach about in the next twelve months. What would be most valuable for you?
I had my idea in early 2009, after the 2008 market crash when the American economy tanked. My product was God’s idea, small Bible devotionals with Scripture for writing prayers. My first idea was “My Walk, God’s Word.” But then I prayed and God gave me this answer: BIBLE BITES. It captures His idea perfectly.
Best I can offer Danny..is I read any of your posts and it’s one of the few occasions where I can say “S++t great information and it hasn’t cost the earth”..then I say “It’s easy when it’s put like that,” knowing that when people say to me putting on my sessions must be easy..It’s been years making it “EASY” and hard work….
fares khiatKhiat
It’s a pleasure to be with you in order to build a bridge of friendship and to know ideas and thank you very much
Developing and maintaining my unique selling proposition has been a constant struggle for me.
I find myself writing content that I enjoy writing, missing the mark with who it supposed to be geared to. It is a perpetual back and forth situation.
It seems like either I go too broad or not where I want to be.
This helped me put it into place a bit better, but I am sure I will still have to do some fiddling with my USP in order to hit the bullseye.
Jeffrey Veffer
Agree that getting to the USP is a hard process, but eminently worth it in this micro-attention world. Customers are getting more and more used to being able to customize products to their precise needs, but one of the challenges I have found is speaking to them in the right language that they understand how you can solve a problem they have or enable a result. A great understanding of their situation helps but I have found there’s no substitute for getting out and talking to them about what their needs are and then asking “What else?” or “Can you tell me more about that?” Often I find their initial response can be peeled away to find something much more valuable that can help target not only products but that language.
Thanks for the thought-starters!
This is absolutely something that I have been struggling with the past few months. I had to laugh at the “Lessons from the Barefoot Shoemaker” subtitle; I have been in a bit of a “the cobbler’s children have no shoes” trench since I started my business. First it was that I was so busy working for my clients that I didn’t have time to work on my own website. Now it’s that I’ve been so focused on helping other people that I stopped looking at what *my* business needs.
It’s that awful catch-22 where I need to focus on me so that I can focus on my customer, but it’s been a welcome change recently to step back and regroup. I just joined the Audience Business Masterclass, and I’m working through the first few lessons… which focus on exactly this!
Knowing myself, knowing who I serve – not quite yet, but I feel like I’m finally on my way!
Mandy Swift
Hi Danny,
Really love that defintiion of what a good USP is. I think people (especially me!) can get really bogged down in the whole “what exactly is it that I offer and who wants that” over-thinking trap.
To simplify it down to ‘What makes people scream “I want that!” ‘ is really liberating.
Thanks 🙂
Ernie Boxall
Danny, not just the information here, but your whole site ooozes the fact that you want to GIVE!
It’s important information for me because my target market is business owners, corporate executives and staff who are being killed by life/work.
As a 62 year old trainer I’ve got to offer something more than the normal 6ft 2 ins, sun bronzed Adonis.(5 ft 4 ins and a dodgy knee.) What I can offer my clients is 40 years of exercise knowledge and client care. I offer the possibilities to working people who haven’t worked out for many years, or have time/motivation problems the programmes to suit their psychology and goals.
My aim is to submit content to high end sites like yours in order to become the “go to guy” for ordinary people without the time to spend hours in the gym/studio.
peter mcgrath
hi Danny
A great and useful post especially like the sentence on info overload The bit where we cant actually see what the real problem is to solve because we keep getting side tracked by useless ideas and red herrings
The result is we never really understand what the real problem is to solve and make a good info product In other words we cant see the wood for the trees I am guilty of this
peter mcgrath
Your latest USP certainly proves that “less is more”
It is absolutely crucial to really work at getting it right. One of the biggest differences I’ve found between online and offline marketing is that offline you can tailor your information to the customer your speaking to at the time. In fact you have longer to create a first impression and instil that “I want this” mindset. But online, you have to speak to everyone in the same voice. You have a very brief moment in time to create that same first impression. People’s interpretation of the same phrase can vary deeply, as Danny pointed out in their original use of the word “definitive”. I’m still not sure about my own USP – Influencing Internet Marketing (we use an NLP and persuasion strategy) or whether it should be something more like The Influence In Internet Marketing.
Hey Danny,
I like that: “…it’s an issue of credibility.” Credible businesess has become a USP in its own right!
I know the small business non-marketeers want (and need!) that trust. So maybe you’re USP/tagline works well in that it promises something “the other guys” are afraid to say out loud: IT WORKS 🙂
Action/Results speaks louder than words as they say.
Keep rocking with all the good stuff you’re providing 🙂
That’s exactly it, Peter, credibility has become a USP in its own right – very well put! 🙂
Hey Danny,
Nice post (just picked it up from Think Traffic).
I agree with the premise for getting clear on your target group and the “I want that” desired response.
But I think your missing one key aspect at the very heart of an effective USP.
“Marketing That Works” is very generic and be used by anyone running a business similar to yours (and the net is packed with marketing businesses).
That presents an intrinsic USP-conflic to me.
For the USP to actually be unique and compelling it should be, well, unigue for YOUR business.
For this to happen it needs to incorporate some kind of unigeness that ideally only YOUR business delivers or stands for.
Hope this helps to elevate your USP to the next level 🙂
Hey Peter, thanks for the kind wrods.
I hear what you’re saying, but we’ve done a lot of experimentation, and we’ve found that this is the formula that works best for us.
The issue isn’t that it’s generic (it’s actually pretty specific, if you think about it in the context of our target audience), but rather it’s an issue of credibility. Lots of people make claims to that effect, but those claims are usually unsubstantiated, whereas in our case it is backed up by a lot of content that proves the point.
In other words, it may not be a unique *claim*, but it is a unique promise and value proposition that our business delivers – and the audience seems to agree, based on a lot of emails that I receive.
That being said, I understand what you mean, and I think this illustrates just how tricky it can be to nail down just the right angle.
Thanks very much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! 🙂
David Sneen
Know thyself! It sounds like a great place to begin to create an online marketing success story. Once we know who we are, we can look at who our customers/prospects are and get to know them.
That sounds like a simple USP formula–full of common sense. But, there is nothing common about common sense!!! We need to constantly remind ourselves of what we are doing, just like the athlete constantly practices fundamentals.
Cheryl Pickett
First, I probably could have/should have added solo biz owners too. But where it hit me is because I have 5 prospects in my networking group who are at that place, square 1 having never done it before, as well as a sweet comment on my blog from just the other day from a gentleman in South Africa of all places in the same boat. So I’m thinking that’s a good thing… and I’m also confident that I can share this kind of information authentically and be able to support what I’m teaching.
Sounds great then, Cheryl. The next step is market testing – let’s see how people respond. 🙂
Cheryl Pickett
Thanks Danny. Also, hoping I can slide in a late entry for the critique because, it just came to me this evening 🙂 Here goes:
Clear, simple, hype-free help for beginning small business bloggers.
Hey Cheryl, it depends on who the audience is, and what they’re looking for. How would you rate it on that scale?
Belinda Weaver
Hey Danny. You’ve captured the complexity and the simplicity behind the USP!
It is extremely hard to step back and work out (what I call) the simple truth behind what you offer the world. I think most people secretly think their simple truth is *too* simple and they need to jazz it up a bit (like your first tag line) thinking, “What I do is more complicated than that….”
Exceptional USPs and taglines are very simple, but they strike right to the heart of the matter.
Great post!
Thanks, Belinda! I couldn’t agree more – it’s crazy, crazy hard to do, and the process is almost always an iterative approach towards something that fits, as opposed to a masterpiece crafted in a single stroke of brilliance. 🙂
Cheryl Pickett
I’ll add another Luv luv luv it! to the list :-). Defining all of what you address here, including USP is something I’ve worked hard on in 2011. I’ve definitely made progress in some areas, USP is certainly on the list. But what I have come to better terms with is, make it good enough to get started. I’m great at analysis paralysis, so getting past that is a small victory for me.
I also appreciate your showing us your behind the scenes as it were. So many experts/coaches etc. give a lot of advice, but sometimes you’re left to wonder what of it they’ve done or are doing themselves. Being open like this I believe definitely helps to attract your true tribe/customer.
Thank you for these insights and Happy New Year!
Very wise words, Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing. 🙂
Yup, part of what I tried to get across here was that even though we didn’t do a great job with the first iterations, that’s okay – you put it up, keep on plugging, and change it as you go to make it better. Really good marketing is like a spiral ever tightening towards the goal – you’re still going to deviate, but all in all it’s moving in the right direction.
The real key to expertise isn’t having the right answers, but rather knowing how to find them. That’s my take on it, anyway. 😉
Hey Danny,
Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching has a lot of great information, not just on business, but life. Sun Tzu’s, as well as his descendant Sun Bin, Art of War is another great text to read which works very well with Business. If any of you haven’t read it yet, I highly suggest it as it is part of a lot of business degree programs. These areas can help you create a USP, but another thing that I found really helped was with http://www.psychotactics.com by Sean D’Souza.
As Danny knows, I’m part of Think Traffic. Traffic School and Corbett goes over USP and honestly, I was a bit left out as it didn’t go in-depth enough for my tastes. It was great content, but I wanted something more. That’s when I came across Psychotactics and Sean offering his Masterclass recording for free. It was three days worth of content and he really dug deep into what a USP has and what it should be. I’m not sure if it is still available, but it was great content that complimented Corbett’s content perfectly and I would suggest checking it out if it’s still available.
Great post Danny, keep up the great work and welcome back from paradise. Hope you had a great holiday and you didn’t get beat you up too bad.
Hey Sam, thanks for stopping by, and for sharing that with us. I think Corbett did a good job with the USP lesson in Traffic School, but I’m also familiar with Sean D’Souza’s masterclass, and it’s great stuff, too. The more great perspectives the better, right? 🙂
Hey Danny,
I agree with you. If it weren’t for Corbett laying the foundation, a lot of other things would have made little sense.
As a lot of people have stated regarding know thy self, you don’t know what you don’t know and if you don’t take a moment to find out who you are and what you stand for, prepare for pain.
Simon Duck
I think one of the best ways to get a USP you think will work, is to thin about what you actually want, before you think of who your audience is, you should think about how to make it that if you were on the other side, you would be the audience.
By making sure you want to product you are selling, you are ensuring that when you are selling it, you are actually in the position to influence people, it isn’t just mindless enthusiasm. If you are selling something you care about, this will come across and help you along the way.
Great post.
Simon Duck.
Hey Simon, thanks for sharing that. I think you’re right, but only in very specific cases – actually, one of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make is thinking that their audience is just like them. The truth is that in most cases, the audience has very different needs and desires from the entrepreneur. It all depends on whether you started out trying to solve your own problem, or detected a market need around your passion. If it’s the former, then you’re all set, but if it’s the latter, there will be a need to do the validation externally. Just my two cents, of course. 🙂
Simon Duck
Hi Danny,
I actually did think about that, I think for the reason that most of the ideas I have come up with, are based on the fact that I wanted a product/service which helped me out with a specific problem and then thought others could use it.
From using your two cents I think the conclusion is that you need to be passionate about the product/ service you are providing, but always make sure that you aren’t getting too involved with the aspects which may cause mistakes.
Thanks for showing me the error of my ways!
Simon Duck
I think you’re bang on there, Simon – it’s the balance that makes all the difference. 🙂
Jason Fonceca
Fantastic post, Danny.
From the punchy legends cited in the beginning to the interesting portrayal of Firepole’s evolution, I ate it up.
“(And no, these aren’t “authorized USPs” or whatever – they’re just the obvious summaries of what each of these brands is about.)”
I believe that these people aimed to Express Themselves Clearly, Authentically, and Consistently… and by doing this, it is easy for people like you or I to _understand_ their USPs, even without being told directly.
That’s a big part of how I prefer it. I am so clear and so well-expressed and so refined, that who I am and where I’m coming from and what I offer is self-evident and easily understood.
As for “Marketing That Works”, it is definitely the punchiest, most impactful one, and I’d actually evolve it to:
“Marketing That Excels”
“Marketing That Rocks”
“Marketing That Succeeds”
Marketing feels like a clear, powerful, well-chosen word.
That is an active setup word, anticipator, and connector.
And works?
Works… just… works.
I have lots of things that work. My mouse works, my chair works, my cutlery works — but do I have a deep, emotional, impactful connection to them? Do I “gotta have ’em?”
Sort of 🙂
Anyway, just some interesting feedback, I love love love this post.
Hey Jason, I’m so glad that you liked the post. 🙂
I think you’re right that a big part of it is just about being authentic and transparent, but it’s more than that – it’s also about making choices regarding what of the value you’re offering to focus on most, because it’s what your audience cares about the most, and needs to hear about first. That’s a difficult thing for passionate entrepreneurs to do (we love everything we do, so how could we focus it down?). It’s very important, though, and the way it works best to find the intersection of greatest passion and greatest customer demand.
Of course, the hard part is to do it…
I also really appreciate your feedback about ways that we could evolve the tag-line and USP. I think they’re great, but not great for us.
Here’s the thing – would people connect with it? Yes, definitely. Does it sound good? Yes, definitely. But does it reflect the core of the value that we offer to people, and that our target market really needs? Nope, I don’t think so.
Our market is a bit jaded with the flash and pizazz of marketing offered around the web and around the world. They’re tired of the sizzle, and just want the steak. No ketchup, no HP sauce, no hype, and no fluff – just the steak – they want it to WORK, and that’s what we do.
That’s the hypothesis, anyway – check back with me in a few months to see if I was on the money or not. 😉
Jason Fonceca
Well said, star 🙂
Authentically knowing yourself, and making choices that align with that and your audience (though audiences can change, the more you know yourself 😉 ). Amen to that.
And when you put it that way, Marketing That Works makes a lot more sense 🙂 Well done, and I bet you’ll succeed no matter what USP you pick, to be honest with you. lol 🙂
The other one’s I suggested were more reflections of what *I* like.
I love excelling, I love rocking, I love succeeding and I’m generally prefer that to things that ‘work’ — but I may not be your target market 😀
To me, the “works’, was exactly what made me subscribe ; no fooling around 😉
Michael U. Santiago
This stuff you wrote is so helpful and true. Knowing thyself first is the very first step before going on further in marketing. Knowing your audience is just the second. Third, you must love what you are doing.. It should be something like.. – “I will do it, whether you pay me or not! That’s how I LOVE what I am doing..”
Jason Fonceca
Well said Michael… I’m going to summarize:
1. Know thyself.
2. Know thy audience.
3. Deliver through love.
Hey Michael, welcome to Firepole Marketing, and I’m really glad you liked the post!
I think the key is that if you know yourself and you know your audience, you can create something that you love AND that your audience is happy to pay for. Because after all, passion is great, but it’s a lot better when it pays the rent! 😉
Something to reflect on.Imissedthemark.
When you focus on knowing thyself. Its easier to know who your real prospects are.I dont have to waste time trying to promote something to the wrong audience.Ps Do you know anything about thesoftware The Set It and Forget System and MobileMoneyPages. Your info would be appreciated. I can recieve 300 email a day so I could use your help bigtime sifting through the garbage.RayPulliam thanks!
You’re right, Ray, and I’m glad the post resonated with you. I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the softwares that you mentioned, but I’d be wary of anything that describes itself as a “set it and forget it” moneymaking system.
Very good and timely article for me. I was just having a debate with another consultant about the concept of trying to offer services and expertise that is “mile wide and an inch deep” vs expertise that is “an inch wide and miles deep”.
Happy 2012
Glad I could help, Shad. Who won the debate? 🙂
Lauren Kicknosway
I seem to be suffering from “The Curse of Knowledge”. Thanks so much for providing a cure. I hope to on my way to a full recover shortly.
Jason Fonceca
Hi Lauren, nice to meet you!
I agree, Danny hit it outta the park with this. It will help so many people, marketing really is timeless 🙂
You might like some of the completely free (no opt-in required) Self-Knowledge + Audience-Knowledge exercises I linked in my comment below 🙂
They really helped me in big ways, and my people tell me they’ve brought them really significant results in finding out who they are, and who their audience is.
Lauren Kicknosway
Cheers Jason. I will check it out.
Glad to help, Lauren, and welcome to Firepole Marketing. 🙂
Steven A. Lowe
Excellent explanation, thank you.
The rest of the Shakespeare quote is also useful: “…thou canst not then be false to any man”.
Your USP not only summarizes the main benefit you offer to visitors, it also reflects your fundamental passion, purpose, and guiding principles – which should help keep you focused on your “main thing”, and less on the “ooh shiny!” that gets firehosed at us on the Internet on a daily basis!
Jason Fonceca
“the “ooh shiny!” that gets firehosed at us on the Internet on a daily basis!” – Steven A. Lowe
If that’s yours, it’s totally quotable/tweetable.
Rock on, Steven!
Steven A. Lowe
lol – that’s mine, as far as I know. 😀
Hey Steven, thanks for sharing the rest of that – I really like the extra insight that’s in the second half of the quote. 🙂
You’re right, too – a big part of the value of a good and well-articulated USP is that it keeps your own mind from wandering into all kinds of random areas that may not relate to what you’re trying to build.
Subscribers first, traffic second and money third. In this order because I already have a fair amount of traffic but I need to work on subscriptions. Money will probably come as a consequence of the first two. And now I should look at my USP as it’s not so good.
Thanks for the good hint. 🙂
Jason Fonceca
The direction I’m leaning towards…
Transform Through Self-Hypnosis
Hypnosis Power
Self-Hypnotize To Success
Hope it gets the juices flowing 🙂
Thanks Jason, I’m sure they will. 🙂
Hey Hypnodude, thanks for letting us know. Those are all different components of the same thing, really – knowing your audience and getting them to take an action. Have you watched our “chain of conversion” video?
Danny, you’re right. I should probably find a way to know more about my readers, and also have another look at your video. 🙂
Torben Slot Petersen
I know you guys are skilled copywriters. That’s why I signed up initially. I’d like you to write more on the subject in 2012 – especially on the matter of seeking out product or service benefits and generally on the form (AIDA or the like) of good landing page copy.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Torben, welcome to Firepole Marketing. Thanks for letting us know – we’ll do our best to cover some of that in the next few months. 🙂
Ricardo Bueno
I like the before and after on the tag-line! For me, that’s always been the hardest part…coming up with a tag-line that effectively communicates who I am and what I do. Right now, I’ve settled on: Internet Marketing for Real Estate Professionals. I still think that could be said better, simpler…
Jason Fonceca
Hi Ricardo, nice to meet ya. I’m having a blast with this post, and I’m just going to write any ideas that come to mind, because I’m positive they’ll provide some value 😀
Real-Estate E-Marketing
Online Marketing For Real-Estate-ers
Digital Marketing For Realtors
It’s always a challenge. Let me ask you this: how would your audience describe what they’re looking for?
Jac Morton
Hello Danny
Making money online really needs to be derived from passion and it is always best that you define what you really want before jumping into something. I honestly find your post very much interesting. The content surely am very am a good one to read. I still have something to look forward into before I’m going to decide on joining certain online marketing. Looking forward for your success.
Thanks, Jac, I’m glad you liked the post. Yeah, passion is definitely important, and I’m glad to hear that you’re doing your homework before jumping into anything. 🙂
Ryan Hanley
Love the new Marketing slogan and agree its so much better than your first one.
A lot of what your talking about in this article is knowing the Audience you want to speak to. That is such a tough question for being such an easy answer.
Great article. Looking forward to what you guys have going on in 2012!
Ryan H.
Thanks, Ryan, I’m glad you like it – now we’ll see how well people resonate with it. 😉
Ryan Biddulph
Hi Danny,
Getting down the USP is critical. A bit mind-wracking, but well worth it.
The sages were sages for a reason. Know yourself, others with similar interests – or interested in what you have to offer – know you…..quickly, if your USP is down pat.
Thanks for sharing your insight Danny.
Hey Ryan, I’m glad you liked the post. Yeah, “mind-wracking” is an understatement, especially when you’re dealing with your own business. But well worth it. 🙂