Marketing Definitions: What is Marketing?
Danny Iny
is – here are some examples of what it isn’t.
The first misconception is that “marketing is evil”…
#1 Marketing is Evil
A lot of people think that marketing has no inherent value, and that it’s only purpose is to separate people from their money. That is not the case. Of course, not everyone will agree with every part of every campaign, but just because you don’t like part of something, doesn’t mean that all of it is evil or even wrong. If you hate Brussels Sprouts it doesn’t follow you think that every vegetable is a crime against nature, right. Now, because you’re reading this, we can assume that you don’t fall prey to this particular myth. Most people who think marketing is evil only do so because they’ve been fooled by myth #2…
#2 Marketing is Advertising
We all understand why folks get tired of commercials selling deodorant and soft drinks during their television shows and flashy banner ads for anything and everything at the top of every website they visit. The truth of the matter is that some advertisements are annoying – but advertising is NOT all that marketing is. It’s only a small part of a well developed, effective plan. The idea of which will probably make you think of myth #3.
#3 Marketing is Expensive
A common misconception is that only big companies with giant marketing budgets can afford to advertise effectively. The little guys may as well not even bother.
Not true! You can design and develop a solid and effective campaign for almost any budget. Stick with us – we’ll show you how.
So now that we’ve gotten some of the elephants out of the room, let’s move on to what marketing is. There are lots of different definitions, and almost every business person has their own. We actually have different definitions ourselves.
Danny says: “Marketing is the process of aligning your offering with the customer’s needs and communicating that to them.”
Peter says: “Marketing is the process of creating and maintaining a customer relationship.”
We’re both right.
Danny’s marketing definition is very communication oriented, and no wonder: he’s a communications strategist! What this definition means in more detail is that marketing is about giving your customers what they want, and then telling them that you’re giving them what they want. If someone wants something, and they know you have it, they’ll probably buy it from you.
Peter’s marketing definition: “Marketing is the process of creating and maintaining customer relationships” takes in the whole, large scope of marketing. Any contact you have with a customer is a potential marketing opportunity and because of that, having a solid customer relations based on trust is incredibly important.
Marketing is so much more than just advertising and promotion. Marketing is customer service, and distribution. Marketing is communication. Anytime you get information about a product or service, that’s marketing – even if you heard about it from your mother-in-law! When your computer breaks down and you call the company about the warranty – that’s marketing. When you go to the grocery store and see the shelves filled with different products – that’s marketing too.
How can this be?
A good marketer makes an effort to know and understand their customers, so that they can provide something that’s useful and valuable for them. Aligning what you sell with the needs of the customer, and developing an honest, genuine relationship with that customer is what marketing is really all about. That’s why communication is so important. So is building trust.
So what are all of the elements involved in marketing?
The most important ones are the 4 Ps, which are explained in great detail in the Mirasee audio coaching program, and on our blog.
Karol K.
Marketing has always been difficult to define. One of my attempts (a more satirical take):
Danny Iny
Thanks, Karol, I’m heading over to read it now!
Karol K.
Don’t expect much from this post 😉
Brad Harmon
Great video, Peter & Danny. I loved the presentation. It brought a whole other level to your post.
When I think of marketing, I equate it with attracting others to us. The easiest way to do this is to find out their needs, and then convince management to fulfill those needs. It’s ultimate function is to make sure the company stays in tune with its customers. In this way, I think of it more like Danny does.
Yes, there is the advertising and promotion arms of marketing that communicate back with stakeholders. They’re more generic in nature and serve to aid the salesperson in demonstrating why particular products or services benefit the customer. For me, it’s sales that create and maintain relationships with clients.
It’s the total experience from market research to customer relations that’s covered through combining both definitions that defines a company to its customers – that is, its brand. Sadly, too many small business owners think branding is what you logo looks like.
Hmm … I didn’t mean for this to get so long. All I really wanted to say was great job. 😉
Danny Iny
Thanks, Brad – and I appreciate your going long, because everything you said is very important.
It really comes down to where you draw the line between marketing and other functional disciplines, like Sales, for example. I personally believe that they’re distinct ACTIONS, but there’s a huge overlap in terms of effect; marketing does a lot of selling, and the experience of interaction with sales conveys information about the company, which is part of marketing. 🙂
Jk Allen
This was excellent fellas! Great production – but more importantly, great content within the production. I like how the both of you brought up your personal explanations, but made it a point to point out that both were right.
I agree with both – and many other definitions of what marketing it is. And I really believe that if we don’t own it, then others may own it for us in a night that we don’t want to be represented in.
Have a great weekend!
Danny Iny
Thanks, Jk!
I’m with you – so many people are of the mind that “marketing is sleazy, so I want nothing to do with it” – no, that’s not right. It’s our job to get into the conversation, and show by example what it is and should be.
Have a really great weekend, buddy. 🙂
You’re doing very well Danny, I’m very impressed with your amazing prowess.
It sometimes seems that some people are everywhere at once, that they don’t seem to sleep at all as they produce gem after gem after gem, never seeming to rest. Some people wonder that they must be on some kind of drugs, but I know what it truly is.
It’s a reward for the months of hard work prior to your success.
Cheers to your work Danny 🙂
Danny Iny
Thanks, Stu. You’re killing it out there, so it really means a lot coming from you. 🙂
John Falchetto
Thanks Danny, now I feel I’m the only one out there so doesn’t know how to video blog, Danny, Gini, Michelle Schmisky, Erica Allison, Marlee and now YOU. Geez and you are really damn good at it.
I really like this post because it clears the air on a lot of misconceptions and is a solid cornerstone post.
Enjoy the weekend and have a few cold ones for me 🙂
Joe - Shakeoffthegrind
Hi Danny,
Great post and very informative! I love the video. I appreciate both of your perspectives on this. Knowing the customers or clients needs is essential and building a strong relationship is paramount these days. Thanks for the insight!
Danny Iny
Thanks, Joe, I really appreciate it!
Jeff Goins
I agree. Marketing has so many misconceptions, one of which is that marketing is just creative work. I tend to agree with Al Ries definition of marketing: Marketing drives sales, or it’s not marketing (to paraphrase).
Danny Iny
Hey Jeff, I wasn’t familiar with that quote, but it certainly captures the essence of what we do. Thanks for sharing!
Eric Silva
Hey Guys,
Great video and super informative. I’m gonna check out the youtube channel as well, I like the video you guys created too. Very clean!
Keep rocking!
Danny Iny
Thanks, Eric, I appreciate it! I’d love to hear your feedback on the other videos, too. 🙂
Marcus Sheridan,The Sales Lion
Danny, wow man, I had no idea you were this good with video as well. VERY impressed sir, keep up the greatness!
Danny Iny
Thanks, Marcus! Yeah, I’ve still got a couple of surprises up my sleeve… 😉
Caleb Wojcik
This is a great direction for you and the site Danny. Keep it up!
Danny Iny
Thanks, Caleb!
Great video! I agree that just about everything you do is marketing; distribution, customer service, packaging, everything has the potential to give someone a favorable (or unfavorable) opinion about your business and lead to word-of-mouth.
Danny Iny
Thanks, Vic, I’m glad you liked it! And you’re right – it’s all about what you’re putting out there on a regular basis, by the way that you show up every single day. 🙂
Ryan Critchett
The little guys can definitely crush it! I love learning about how to do that with little budget, with a bit of ingenuity. Very informative. MORE VIDEOS!!! I’m a fan.
Danny Iny
We’ve got lots of them – have you seen our YouTube channel?
Ryan Critchett
Dannnnny? I didn’t know that! I’m all over it.
Robert Pinto-Fernandes
Wow! Subscribing right now! Thanks Danny 🙂 . Are they’re any bases that you don’t have covered!?