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Innovative Marketing Ideas: How Sprinkles Took a Big Bite Out of the Baked Good Market [CASE STUDY]

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The Gmail Club: A Lesson in Exclusivity [CASE STUDY]

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How Brian built @Copyblogger with only $1,000 for Design and Hosting (@Entreproducer)

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ING Direct Gets It Right With Great Business Model Innovation! [CASE STUDY]

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5 Key Business Insights to Guarantee Success with any Niche, Brand or Product

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Your Price Strategy Is Your Command (How to Raise Prices)

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The Strategy of Raising Prices (Interview with Phil Telio from Embrase)

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Current Marketing Trend: Reality TV [CASE STUDY]

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Luxury Marketing: The Magical, Fantastical, Mystery… Pen? How Montblanc Saved the Pen from Obsolescence [CASE STUDY]

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