Recent podcast episodes
Insider Insights From Prominent Thought Leaders
Our podcasts bring together the top minds in coaching, course creation, and
entrepreneurship to share their insights into what’s working right now in their fields.

Danny Iny
Founder & CEO of Mirasee
Danny Iny’s work on strategy training won special recognition from Fast Company as a "World Changing Idea." He has been featured in the Harvard Business Review and Entrepreneur, and has spoken at institutions like Yale University and organizations like Google. He is the author of multiple best-selling books about online education, including Teach and Grow Rich, Leveraged Learning, Teach Your Gift, Effortless, and most recently, Online Courses.
Listen to Danny’s Podcast:
Making It
Abe Crystal
Advisor to Mirasee
Abe Crystal is the co-founder and CEO of Ruzuku, an online course platform focused on student engagement. He is an expert in learning design and user experience research. Abe has a Ph.D. in human-computer interaction from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he currently serves as an adjunct professor.
Listen to Abe’s Podcast:
Course Lab
Melinda Cohan
CEO of The Coaches Console
Melinda Cohan is a business coach to coaches. After she achieved fast success when she launched her own coaching practice, she became cofounder and CEO of The Coaches Console. The Coaches Console is now a seven-figure software, training, and coaching company that has helped more than 50,000 coaches create profitable and thriving businesses.
Listen to Melinda’s Podcast:
Just Between Coaches