Get More Video Traffic By Guest Posting On Multiple Websites Simultaneously
Paul Wolfe
One of the problems that just about all of us who use the old Interwebs for our businesses face is the challenge of building a receptive audience.
One of the most effective strategies that you can use is Guest Posting – if you don’t believe me ask Danny because his name and byline has appeared all over the Internet, from Copyblogger to Problogger to The Sales Lion to Think Traffic and beyond.
And Danny will tell you that although the strategy really, really works – the problem with guest posting is that it’s time intensive. For maximum effect you should only submit your best work. And creating your best work takes time and effort – especially if you guest post as often as Danny does.
But what if I told you that there was a way that you could guest post on multiple sites simultaneously using the same piece of content?
You’d probably object, say it’s not possible and trot out the old ‘Google doesn’t like duplicate content’ argument.
Well, what if I told you that not only does this strategy NOT entail any risk of duplicate content – but that it’s actually approved by Google! Would you be willing to listen then? I bet you would.
So How Can You Guest Post On Multiple Websites Simultaneously?
The answer is video.
In July YouTube produced their first ever set of guidelines for content creators who use video (go ahead and download a copy of the YouTube Creators Playbook).
If you work with video, you should definitely download and read the Playbook – you’ll find some material that you expected to see. But you’ll find a lot of information that is unexpected.
One of the things that the YouTube algorithm likes is videos that get shared and embedded on external websites and blogs. YouTube actively encourages this as a means of growing video traffic– they call it Blog Outreach (you’ll find it discussed on page 60 of the guide).
And if you’re familiar with YouTube at all, you’ll know that the default setting for most videos is that they can be embedded on other websites and blogs by simply grabbing the embed code. (It’s actually easier in WordPress – there are plug-ins that allow you just to paste the link from YouTube, and the plug-in takes care of the rest).
Now just posting a video to YouTube and hoping that other website owners and bloggers find it and like it enough to embed it on their sites isn’t enough. Instead you need a detailed 4-step plan to Video Guest Post:
Step 1 – Build A Relationship With Target Blogs
This is a step that should be part of your daily promotional activities – commenting on other people’s blog posts, retweeting their posts, engaging with them on Twitter and Google+ – you probably know the drill as well as I do.
Step 2 – Create A High Quality Video
This is the most crucial step in the process – as with traditional guest posting you have to have your best content loaded and ready to rock and roll. Your video has to give high value to viewers – otherwise your target blogs will have little motivation to share that video and your video traffic will suffer.
Step 3 – The Guest Video Post Approach
So you’ve build your relationship and you’ve created your high value video. It’s now time to start getting your video posted on some of your target blogs and websites.
Here’s what you do:
- Email the blog owner, say Hi, and tell him or her that you’ve created a great video that you think would be a good fit for their audience and you’re wondering if they’ll embed it on their website as a video guest post. And obviously you’ll post a link for the blog owner to check the video out.
- Chances are they’ve never really thought about video guest posts – so in this email you tell them that you’re really excited about the video and be totally transparent that you’re asking other blog owners to post it too.
- That may make the blog owner twitchy – so immediately you personalize your offer (and add extra value to the blogger) by committing to answer all questions about the content of the video on the blogger’s blog. Not on YouTube. Not on your blog. But on the blog that you want to host your video. (Caveat – obviously you can’t send this offer out to 50 bloggers – but there’s no reason why you can’t get your video onto 4 or 5 different blogs).
- Over time as you make new connections you can send the same offer out to different blogs and websites. Eventually one piece of content might end up on 10 different blogs or websites. This not only puts you in front of a wider audience – it also boosts your videos rankings in both YouTube’s search engine results and Google’s.
Step 4 – Additional Value
Some website owners may still be reluctant – in which case you can load your offer with additional value. You could offer them extra content in the form of a mini text interview on the topic of the video.
Or you could offer checklists or blueprints in PDF format so that the perceived value is higher.
Another good way of adding value is helping with the techy side – prepare a screencast or PDF tutorial showing blog owners and website owners how to embed a YouTube video if they don’t know. (If you’re video savvy, preparing a report that shows website or blog owners how to embed a YouTube video in a slick looking custom skin so it doesn’t look like a YouTube video would also be a great extra).
Or you might have a transcription of the Video that can be hosted by the blogger and given away to his audience.
There are many ways you can do this – just remember that the ultimate aim is to get multiple websites posting the same piece of content and exposing your message and your brand to a much wider audience.
Guest posting is a great way to get your message out to a wider audience – especially when you are starting out. The downside is that it’s time intensive (seriously – ask Danny!).
By using the shared feature that’s built by default into just about every YouTube video you can potentially get the same piece of content featured on multiple websites and seriously increase your video traffic. Not only is this a result for you in terms of making efficient use of your time – it’s also something that YouTube encourages! Win-win.
That piece of content needs to be exceptional though. Crappy videos won’t cut it. You have to aim high. And you have to commit some extra resources too to ‘personalize’ the experience – commit to answering questions on the sites of people you’ve asked to post your video, or providing checklists or blueprints, or downloadable transcripts.
Done right, this has got the potential to really goose your guest posting strategy. Depending on your market area there are few people doing this at the moment – so don’t think about it and act in 6 months. Start working on it now!
Your shout – have you ever thought about guest posting, but been deterred by the tonnage of work involved? Have you thought about using video in this way? If you’ve got any questions about this, please ask them in the comments below…
Thanks very much for this post
biro jasa stnk
This information is very helpful thank me 😀
Carol Gyzander
Hi Paul and Danny,
Great post by Paul! and I love getting out in front of the curve!
I am getting started with making videos for my scrapbook & paper crafting site, many of which are computer based for digital scrapbooking so I can simply use Camtasia for screen capture videos. Do you think it’s necessary to add the “talking head” shot of me in the video as well? Thanks for the great information!
Paul Wolfe
Hi Carol
There’s no right or wrong way to do this…what’s important is to get started making the videos, and actually posting them. This was something I agonized over….took me a full 6 months to ‘get started’ with video whilst I waited for everything to align perfectly in terms of equipment and so on.
Here’s the truth – it’s never gonna be perfect and teh first video you make isn’t going to be as easy or as good as the 100th video you make. But you have to start somewhere.
So committing to getting started – and actually getting started is a big step forward.
My advice is to go with the path of least resistance and start without the talking head intro…and get some videos under your belt, onto your YouTube channel and embedded on your blog or website.
Then when you’re starting to get more comfortable with the tasks you need to do (planning the video, recording the video, editing the video, rendering the video and uploading it too) THEN you can add in another layer of complexity by thinking about the talking head intro.
And once you’re comfortable with talking head intros, then find something else to improve and improve that. And keep doing that. Work on improving ONE THING every month. In a years time your videos will be a lot better than they are now.
But whilst you should try and get them as good as you can now, it’s more important to get started than to try and get them perfect before you post them.
That make sense?
Carol Gyzander
Indeed it does make sense, Paul! I have to confess that I am mearing the end of that same 6 month stretch of pain that you mention.
It makes me think of a cute TV ad that ran here many years ago (maybe not in London…!) for Nutter Butter cookies. The little boys asks, “How can I have ‘anutter’ Nutter Butter Peanut Butter cookie when I haven’t had my first Nutter Butter Peanut Butter cookie yet?”
I also have to say that I read through your series of blog posts on How to Avoid Writer’s Block and enjoyed them thoroughly. I’m sensing a theme here – time to get something out the door! Looking forward to the upcoming webinar.
Thanks, Carol
Matt Clarke
This is such a great idea, makes perfect sense. When I heard about guest blogging I thought it sounded like so much work. This gives a great alternative option that is definitely worth the effort. I suppose it’s time for traditional bloggers like me to get with the program and embrace video! Actually it sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing!
Rowena Charles
Also I read that it’s important to change the titles of the blog post is that true? Makes PERFECT sense mate! No-one.
Norma Anderson
I put about a half of the post on other sites with a hyperlink to my site in order for those who continue to be interested. They can then finish the post on my site.
And how is that strategy working for you? Are you getting a lot of people arriving at your site to finish reading?
Norma Anderson
Yes, I use Hootsuite and can tell which post are most popular.
Norma Anderson
I’m posting the same post in different places. They have different/overlapping audiences and I post once a week.
Well, I don’t think Google would approve of that, but from a content standpoint it really depends on the different places you’re posting. Why don’t you try to drive the traffic to your site instead?
Norma Anderson
Danny, how about sharing ones blog content on other social networking sites. I’m doing that now, but am copying and pasting a large portion of the blog content on each site with a hyperlink to my site for the remaining content. It would be great if there were one place I could go to load it once. Also I read that it’s important to change the titles of the blog post is that true?
My blog is
Hi Norma, I’m not sure that I follow. You’re posting the same post in different places? Or links to the same post?
Hi Paul, great advice and I’ll get started on it asap! One other point I’d like to add. You can include a call to action in a video encouraging anyone who watches it to embed it on their website or blog. It only takes 5 secs to tell them how to do it or to contact you if they need help. YouTube probably doesn’t care if the website is popular or what the page rank is, they only care that it’s been embedded. Hope that helps – I’m certainly going to start doing this from now on!
Paul Wolfe
Hey Ileane
Thanks for stopping by.
You can leave a call to action to get people to embed it – you have to be careful with how many calls to action you actually have though. And you need to spend time determining what you really want a viewer to do:
Is it:
Go to your website and subscribe?
Leave a comment?
Like your video?
Embed it on their own blog?
Asking for all four is too much – for each video you need to ask for one IMO. For me that would be to try and get people onto my list. However htere’s nothing stopping you having some kind of blog alliance and getting 9 or 10 people to post your video to their sites. Which after all – is the point of the post!
Hi, Paul:
Just found this post and your lovely blog, however many articles on your blog (which are video related) do not allow comments, because they’re closed.
Are those who are late to your party, not allowed to comment? This is silly. Many of us have yet to jump on the video bandwagon and are now looking to you for tips and help – since you’re already way ahead of the curve, but alas you have that silly WP comments 90 day close plugin on your blog.
You should reconsider this WP plugin and allow those of us that are now just catching up with you to place our comment or or ask our question.
paul wolfe
Hi Missy
The reason that I set my comments to close after 14 days is that otherwise I get plagued by Human Spammers who seem to think that if they comment on an old post I won’t find and delete them!
Since closing comments on old posts the number of human spammers has halved. That’s the reason. It’s regrettable….the spammers in all fields ruin lots of things.
Shelia Carroll
The purpose of this strategy was to leverage a piece of ‘guest post’ content multiple times. – I enjoy writing and communicating with people, so I think a blog’s a good strategy for me to try. It will help me to increase my website PR.
Excellent post Paul! Wow, I am not savvy on YouTube Videos yet, but I would totally be open to having something different like that on my site. It’s different and people will surely watch and listen. It breaks up the monotony of reading a long post and it’s always fun watching a video. I just put my ear phones and I am all good!
Paul Wolfe
Hey Sonia
Glad you liked the post! Video is the coming wave so if you’re not doing it now, I suggest you start getting on board!
Hey Paul,
You are doing such an awesome job guest posting over here at Danny’s place. Wonderful topic I will add as well. Really great tip and one I’ve yet to think about. I have a couple of guest posts coming up so I just might do a video instead. Really good idea.
You’ve definitely given me plenty to think about that’s for sure. I don’t do a lot of guest posting because you are right, it’s very time consuming but when people ask me now, I can go this route. Thanks for sharing!
Paul Wolfe
Hey Adrienne
There’s plenty of ways you can use video with Guest Posts….if you can get your videos on 4 or 5 different blogs/websites then not only do you get the same piece of content in front of different audiences – but you also get a boost to your rankings on YoUtube. If you can pull it off…it’s definitely worth it!
Notice something that Danny did – which I only just thought of. In his recent book launch Danny did a ton of interviews and all those blogs showed relevant video content – WHICH WAS TEH BOOK LAUNCH VIDEO TRAILERS – so that’s ANOTHER way of going about doing it. You create a subject….either get interviewed by a bunch of blogs or write about it, so the writing part is different. But then the you make each post more valuable by embedding one, two or more video clips.
Here’s the thing: NO-ONE IS DOING IT. No-one. YouTube recommends it in their playbook….it’s potentially a very powerful strategy.
Thanks for dropping by.
Wow ! This is awesome and a godmine… I never thought of this ever… This is the first time I have heard of it as well… Cool!!
Sergio Felix
Hey Paul, thanks a lot for your answer man!
However, I wasn’t asking for the technical aspect as I’m pretty techie myself already (have an account with the Amazong guys as well) my only concern is with the actual delivery of the information, as in the video itself.
Let’s say, you give me green flag to guest post on your site along with video.
According to the post, I could just post my video on another site, and you wouldn’t mind if I did, because after all, if I compromise to answer everything (on one site or another) the content would be different anyway right?
I just want to see if video is as limited as the actual words on a guest post.
Paul Wolfe
Firstly just about nobody is doing video guest posting….so in most markets you’ll be the innovator and you can make up the rules as you go along!
Secondly if you’re delivering high value content I can’t see the problem. With video let’s say you made a video and posted it on Youtube and embedded on your own site. ANYBODY IN THE WORLD with a YouTube account can embed YOUR video on THEIR site and comment on it to make a post.
What you’re offering is for people to do it deliberately – and have YOU, the creator of the video, come and answer questions the way a good guest posted would do.
Some people won’t go for it – especially more traditional bloggers – but as video becomes more prevalent you’ll find more bloggers that WILL go for it. In my book it’s a no brainer – if the video content is good, then they get to create a post out of embedding a video and get the video creator to answer all their audience’s questions. What I’m guessing you have to do is position it to the blogger so they understand the win-win involved.
That make sense?
Sergio Felix
Hey Paul,
Makes PERFECT sense mate!
I think that the nearest I have seen to this strategy are just interviews (between two people of course) and I really wonder why we don’t have guest videos on sites already.
I also believe that what you say about embedding the video and a blogger/writer doing a post about it, happens a lot with motivational videos, so the tweak here would be us delivering the goods instead of some motivational speaker.
I think I’m going to go for it man and see what happens!
Thank you very much for your time, patience and insights Paul! 🙂
PS. Big thanks go out to you too Danny, it was a pleasure to have this conversation here 😉
Paul Wolfe
NO-ONE is doing this. (except me…he he he).
Here’s how I cottoned on to it. I have TWO people in my main market area (bass guitar) who run their own sites and have a different business model. (One sells ad space and uses Google Ads – the other tries to sell music lessons).
Both of them wanted extra pages of content – and both wanted other people to help create them. One of them asked if he could embed my videos – and I said yes. The other gave me limited Admin privileges on his account – every time I upload a video to Youtube once I’ve embedded it on my own site, I embed it on his. Drives a ton of traffic.
Plus read the YouTube Creators playbook – YOUTUBE WANTS YOU TO DO THIS!!! It suggests getting your videos onto multiple sites. Their house…their rules!
Let us know how you get on!
Haha, my pleasure, Sergio, I’ve learned a lot just “listening in” on your conversation with Paul. 🙂
Paul Wolfe
Sergio (and Danny)
The purpose of this strategy was to leverage a piece of ‘guest post’ content multiple times. I know guest posting can work – my issue is that the amount of time it takes to create a guest post, and then that guest post goes on someone else’s site and you get a small window for it to make an impace. Whereas with this strategy you could create video content and get it out to different websites.
Now my take on this is that I WOULD create a video only for one site IF there was a compelling reason for me to do it. If the site was someone like Copyblogger or Pat Flynn and they said they wanted an exclusive post, then I’d probably be prepared to do it. (And I’d deliver that post via the Unlisted Feature of YouTube).
The way to avoid a site owner asking for exclusivity on the video is by giving them exclusivity on some other aspect. So obviously you can agree to reply to all the comments. Or you could provide exclusive worksheets branded with the hosts logo and name. or Checklists. Or a transcription. There’s a gazillion ways you could do this – the point is to try and get one piece of content in front of different audiences.
And if you’re using YouTube as a delivery mechanism then even using the Unlisted feature someone could watch the video on the host site and then go back to YouTube to grab the embed code. The only way of guaranteeing exclusivity is getting the host blogger to have say an Amazon S3 Player and use a custom Video Player to stream it. (Which defeats the purpose!).
Done properly I don’t think many people would object – because although they are getting content that has been shared at other sites what they are getting that’s unique is a conversation with the author of that content on their websites, and maybe some other benefits. If the benefits you provide outweigh any negatives then the host site should go with it.
If you have any other questions, shout up.
Sergio Felix
Hey Danny,
I think this is an amazing strategy however what would happen if the blog owner said “I don’t want you to put this video anywhere else but here and take care of the comments here like a regular guest post”?
What to do then?
Thanks in advance!
That’s a great question, Sergio. Since I’m not the author of the post, I’ve emailed Paul and asked him to weigh in – watch for his answer! 🙂
Sue Neal
Thanks for a great blog and for taking so much time and trouble to respond to my messages, Danny – you are very thoughtful and kind!
All good wishes,
Sue 🙂
My pleasure, Sue. I hope we’ll see you here again soon! 🙂
Sue Neal
Hi Danny – thank you for your message. You are not discouraging me, you are challenging me – and quite right too! My credibility derives from my honesty and integrity, including a willingness openly to articulate and share my experience of learning the trade. I do not expect to be making money at this early stage because I’m currently focusing on building my list, but I am on course and not giving up!
The fresh value perspective I bring is the message that many more would-be internet marketers would succeed if they had the right kind of help and encouragement to overcome the personal and psychological barriers to their success. Chris Farrell, who has taught me most of what I know so far, always says that all IM skills are ‘learnable’ – I agree, but it begs the question why do so many newcomers still quit before they reach first base? My aim is to provide newcomers struggling to get a foot on the ladder with insights into why they might be hitting roadblocks and to support them to explore ways to overcome the hurdles that they face and achieve their potential. My main message, I guess, is ‘How to keep going when the going gets tough!’.
Best wishes,
That’s really great, Sue, thank you for sharing. I think you’ve answered your own question, then – there’s always room for a fresh voice in a market, and if you’re offering a fresh voice, then there’s room for you, too! 🙂
Sue Neal
Hi again, Danny – my initial experience, like most people I guess, was being duped into thinking it’s much easier than it really is! I think it’s really hard work and VERY time-consuming, so you’ve got to be prepared for that – and it’s no good being in a tearing hurry to make a fortune! I’m still working full time and having to fit this into evenings and weekends, so managing my time is a major issue, which has taken on a new dimension since I set up my Facebook page – I love social media but it just gobbles up the hours!
I’m also discovering that there are lots of different ways to ‘do’ IM and that this can vary, depending on your particular talents and personality – the fact that it’s going to take up so much of your life makes it all the more important to find marketing strategies that you actually enjoy doing. I’m not personally turned on by all the technical SEO stuff, though I know I can’t completely ignore it, but there seem to be some good marketers out there who have traffic-building strategies that are built more around content, social media and engagement, which is probably more up my street. It took me a few months to realise that I should try starting a blog, because the initial training I had was all about setting up a squeeze page etc. – I enjoy writing and communicating with people, so I think a blog’s a good strategy for me to try. I have a friend who does mainly Amazon affiliate marketing and he finds all the social media/engagement stuff a nightmare – horses for courses……
I think one of the problems newcomers face is that you get lots of disconnected advice – ‘do this’, ‘do that’, ‘create a squeeze page’, ‘start a newsletter’, ‘get a Fan Page’ etc. etc. – and the challenge is developing your own strategy. For example, at one point I was busy trying to create a newsletter, because it was a recommendation on the course I was attending, getting stressed because I didn’t see how I could fit it all in, when it suddenly dawned on me that I could use my blog posts to provide regular content to my list in lieu of a newsletter – problem solved!
I’ve also found that when you start out there’s a lot of emphasis on the technical web skills you need and it was a while before I cottoned on to the importance of learning some good old fashioned marketing/copywriting skills – from some of the stuff I’ve come across on forums, I gain the impression that a lot of newcomers miss out on this side of things altogether and have no clue how to write a decent headline. I’m absolutely fascinated by copywriting and keen to develop my skills in that area.
One of the best things I’ve done so far is to start networking with other people in the business – I’ve made some good friends via a course I subscribed to, and it’s proving invaluable for all sorts of reasons – support and encouragement, as well as sharing tips and resources.
I haven’t made any money yet, but I have a very tiny list, which is a start! My current focus is on building my list, developing my blog and facebook page, creating more content, and continuing to learn on the job.
Sorry if that’s a bit long-winded – bet you wish you hadn’t asked!
Best wishes,
PS I really appreciate the fact that you’ve responded to my comments – thank you!
Sue, thank you for the detailed response – I’m glad that I asked, and even more glad that you answered. 🙂
You’re right, most of us have been duped at some point into thinking that it’s a lot easier than it really is, and then we go through the same learning process that you’re describing, until we know better.
I agree with your characterization of the struggles that people new to the field experience; they don’t know what they don’t know, so they’re focused on the stuff that they obviously don’t know, which is usually technology, and ignore the more important stuff, which is strategy and implementation.
What I’m asking, though, is what makes you credible; if you haven’t made any money doing this, why would someone listen to your perspective on how things work? I’m not trying to discourage you, just trying to explore the answer to your original question, which was “is the space too crowded?” – I answered that it isn’t, as long as you’ve got a fresh value proposition to offer – what would that be?
Hey Sue, welcome to Firepole Marketing!
There’s room in every niche, as long as you’re bringing something fresh and valuable to the table. What is that for you? 🙂
Sue Neal
Hi Danny – thanks very much for your welcome message. I’m looking to bridge the gap for people new to internet marketing who, after an initial burst of enthusiasm (often fuelled by ‘get rich quick’ scammers) are in danger of losing heart and giving up when faced with the realities and complexities of the business. I’m interested in helping new starters to develop strategies for success, encouraging them to find practical ways to develop their skills and realise their potential and supporting them to find their own unique marketing ‘voice’. Beyond getting to grips with the technical essentials (which I am still learning!), I think newcomers need support to find, nurture and capitalise on the individual talents and personal qualities they possess that might just turn them into great marketers.
That definitely sounds valuable, Sue – thank you for sharing! What is your own experience with internet marketing? (i.e. what will make you credible to your followers?)
Sue Neal
Thanks very much for this post – I’m new to this business, just learning the ropes, so really grateful for tips like this. I’m interested by the debate about the IM niche being saturated – I think there’s always going to be space for newcomers with something valuable to offer – different voices offering different perspectives. I’ve chosen to focus on IM simply because I find it endlessly fascinating! I know it’s not the only profitable niche out there but I don’t think enthusiastic potential new entrants should be discouraged.
Hey Sue, welcome to Firepole Marketing!
There’s room in every niche, as long as you’re bringing something fresh and valuable to the table. What is that for you?
Rupinder Kaur
Thanx Danny, You provided good information about guest posting. It will help me to increase my website PR.
Can you tell us, How guest posting increase our website PR. Please define Step wise…!!
Sure, it’s simple. Guest post. A lot. That’s really all it comes down to – each guest post is a solid inbound link, especially if you’re guest posting on good sites. As long as you’re offering them quality content, over time it will translate to a lot of backlinks…
Meo Cuenca {meocuenca}
oh yeah, hi guys… hee-hee 😀
Meo Cuenca {meocuenca}
that should read, “you’ve give me…”
Meo Cuenca {meocuenca}
Danny, you’re given me some many resources to learn from I’m not getting any blogging done – LOL!!! If you’ve written anything on Time Management, I’d love to see it & if not, well, let’s just consider this a hint – LOLx2!!! Curious, do you or Paul by chance have digital copy of this available for download anywhere (or even hard copy)? I know I could pdf it but i’m on a dinky temporary hard-drive, so my converter isn’t installed on my laptop right now :(. Oh, back to article – I’ve been giving Vlogging some serious that & you’ve just helped solidify that… great efforts with great results, can’t beat that! Have A Great Thursday & Wknd 😀
Danny Iny
Hey Meo, I’m glad the post was helpful! 🙂
Not sure what you’re referring to, though – do you want a PDF of the post?
This makes a lot of sense, but doing this would be easier in some niches than others. There are a zillion internet marketers out there who hang out and guest blog on each other’s sites. But if you are in a different niche it doesn’t seem like it would be so easy. It seems the best way to make money online is to teach others how to make money online.
Danny Iny
Hey Zia, actually, I think you’re wrong. There are blogs in every niche, and that means that there are guest blogging opportunities in every niche. And whereas the “make money online” is saturated and disillusioned (as your comment clearly shows), most other niches aren’t, so it’s a lot easier to stand out.
Paul Wolfe
I think that in ANY market this strategy will work. The success of guest blogging, whether written or video – and success as measured in your guest post being accepted AND driving significant traffic and audience to your site – ultimately comes down to creating high quality material.
If you’re offering high quality material as guest posts then you will find high profile blogs and websites that will publish it.
Danny Iny
And it’s worth noting that Paul’s success was in the bass guitar market, not the “make money online” market. 🙂
Codrut Turcanu
hey guys,
I think the same goes with SlideShare presentations, isn’t it?
They could be easily embedded within WP, or whatever, and shared with new audiences…
I’m starting to get more interested in video and power point presentation as most people aren’t doing it, and it is quite a shame… been reading Slides that Rock… did you read that too?
Hey Paul, that’s a really useful post! Lots of inspiration – thanks!
As far as guest posting goes, I suggest you check out
I’ve been a member for some time and I have never seen a more effective place when it comes to traffic driving (through writing guest posts, accepting guest posts and promoting guests posts)
Just an idea!
Let us know what you think of the platform if you decide to give it a try!
Paul Wolfe
I think I’m signed up onto it – but have never used it. Although Guest Posting is a good way of generating traffic – each guest post is a one shot deal. That’s why I like this method – you can leverage videos you’ve created and get them onto more than one site at a time. (Of course it goes without saying that the videos need to be high quality in terms of the information they contain).
Dino Dogan
Hey guys….
First, thnx Danny for the note at the head of the post 🙂
Second, thnx Paul for the youtube playbook bit…that ought to come in handy 🙂
Danny Iny
Hey Dino, you’re very welcome – fingers crossed that you guys win! 🙂
Paul Wolfe
@dinodogan:disqus – the YouTube playbook is a wealth of great information for people who use video marketing to get traffic. It’s a gotta have – must have!
Meo Cuenca {meocuenca}
downloading it was the 1st thing i did!
Paul Wolfe
Hey Danny
Thanks for the opportunity to guest post here at Firepole! Hope you’re having a great weekend.
Danny Iny
Paul, thank *you* for this excellent post – I think far too few people really understand the power that is inherent in video, when used properly. Thanks for shedding some light! 🙂
Paul Wolfe
I think the problem for a lot of people is that the ‘learning curve’ of video seems overwhelming. There’s a ton of moving parts to master and get functioning together (ranging from lighting to camera to importing footage to editing to scripting to audio to effects etc etc etc) – BUT when you break it down, it’s not actually that difficult.
And there’s so much you can do with it. Video has paid off big time for my bass guitar site….it’s time to start incorporating it into One Spoon and my offline business too!
Danny Iny
I think that’s exactly what it is – the more complex it is to get started with something, the more people avoid doing it altogether. It’s such a pity, but then again, I guess it’s better for those of us who are willing to suck it up and do the work… 😉
Meo Cuenca {meocuenca}
you gentlemen are right, from your own perspectives… from a women’s perspective, we (women) may simply feel inadequate for video on any particular given day EVEN IF we have the full scope of skills necessary for production… silly, i know but it happens (alot) 😀 Nite-Guys