A $26,495.00 SEO Sales Letter Example – AND Swipe Copy
Wayne Mullins
Surely with all the talk about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube, no savvy business owner ever reads snail mail. You remember that stuff that used to be printed on real paper – yeah, the stuff that is made from trees – and then stuck into an envelope, addressed, a stamp licked and stuck in the top right corner.
Hang on! Before I continue, let me clarify something. At Ugly Mug Marketing the vast majority of our revenue comes from building things that exist out in the world-wide-web. We are masters at generating leads and then converting those leads into sales, and often we do this by utilizing the latest Internet tools.
However, when we want BIG results, we often look to that old ancient world of print and direct mail marketing. Which in our modern, technologically advanced world, seems to be a thing of the ancient past.
The Meeting That Changed It
As of last fall, we had never promoted our organic search engine optimization services. You see, up until that point, only a couple of our clients even knew that we provided this service. We simply didn’t have the people in place to take on more than the two SEO clients we were currently working with.
As coincidence would have it, earlier in the year I connected with an old elementary school friend who happened to be getting amazing results working in the SEO field. After catching up on old times, I quickly discovered that he was approaching SEO from the same perspective that we were, all 100% organic methods. He was looking to pick up a little more work, and we decided he would be a good partner to help us expand our SEO services.
Now with the manpower in place, it was time for us to figure out how to let our clients know about this “new” service we would be offering. (I say “new” because remember at this point no more than a couple of our clients knew we offered organic SEO services.)
Why Choose Direct Mail Over the Internet
So how do we go about promoting this service to our clients? We had an unbelievable arsenal of tools to choose from to launch our SEO services, but our primary concern was which of the tools would provide us with the highest ROI.
Just like when we work with clients, we view ROI not only in terms of return on financial investment, but also in terms of the time investment that is required. As an entrepreneur, one of the most important things you can do is to assign an actual dollar amount to your time.
After weighing all of our options, we chose to use direct mail. Here are a few of the reasons we chose direct mail:
- Big Impact. Something physical, if it’s well thought out, will make it past the gatekeeper and straight to the key decision maker.
- Taken Seriously. We could have easily sent an email, and the chances are good that it would have been ignored. I’m not saying that it wouldn’t have been read, but that our offer would have been placed on the back burner to be considered at a later time or date.
- Greater Control. We were only opening up three slots for this service, and if we sent the offer via email we couldn’t prevent them from forwarding the offer to their friends and colleagues.
Having settled on direct mail, the next step was to figure out what to say and what to send.
Creating a Direct Mail Campaign That Gets Opened. And Responses!
During the process of deciding what to send to these clients, there was one massively important direct mail marketing principle that kept running through our minds. This principle cannot be ignored if you’re serious about getting staggering results and amazing ROI.
But before the principle, I’m assuming here that you already understand the importance of knowing to whom you are marketing. Sounds obvious, right?! Well, it isn’t always as straightforward as you may think. To truly understand to whom you are marketing, you have to understand what motivates them, what their needs and wants are, how they make decisions, why they make decisions, how long it takes them to make decisions… I could go on and on about all the things you need to consider, but you get the point.
The Most Overlooked Question
Of all the questions you should know the answers to, one is overlooked more than any other. And that question is:
“What are your prospects currently thinking and talking about?”
If you’ve studied direct response marketing, I’m sure you’re familiar with what is often referred to as the Robert Collier Principle. Robert Collier was a brilliant writer and copywriter. If you haven’t read his book The Robert Collier Letter Book, I highly recommend grabbing a copy.
The Robert Collier Principle simply states, “Always enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.” Sounds simple, right? It is, and if his advice is followed the impact can be enormous. Yet so few entrepreneurs heed this sage advice.
Three Benefits of Entering the Conversation in Your Customer’s Mind
- Captures Attention. By using and pivoting off of topics in your customer’s mind, it forces them to pay attention. After all, they were just thinking, and likely talking, about this exact topic.
- Continues the Conversation. You don’t have to stop their train of thought and take them on an entirely different journey.
- Appears Relevant. This gives you the advantage of appearing relevant and interested in the same things they are interested in.
Practicing What We Preach
So with this principle in mind, we began carefully looking around at what was happening in the world, and particularly in the business world at this time. We were looking for clues as to what our ideal prospects may be thinking and talking about.
Each year Forbes puts out their list of The Forbes 400 and The Forbes Celebrity 100. These are the lists revealing the wealthiest 400 people in America, and the 100 most powerful celebrities in America.
In the business world a lot of conversations center around who is on the lists, and how they got there. We knew that although our market may not subscribe to Forbes, they would at least be familiar with both the Forbes 400 and the Forbes Celebrity 100, so we decided this would be a conversation we could join in.
Don’t Bore Them
Now, what do we send? What do we say?
Well, we knew what conversation we wanted to enter, and we knew what action we wanted people to take. We knew that our prospects would be talking about, or at least thinking and aware of, both of the Forbes lists, and we knew that we wanted to sell them our organic SEO services. Now it was time for the challenge of how to connect the two.
Here is the thought process and questions that we used to help connect the conversation and the action.
What are the core benefits of what you are offering?
For us, the core benefits were that we would help them make more money, by getting their message directly in front of more of their ideal prospects. This would also help prevent them from missing opportunities. Also, by sending more targeted traffic to their website, we would help them build a more loyal following online.
What are the things they want?
Our clients want a steady stream of qualified people coming to their websites. They want the opportunity to reach and influence more people with their products and services. And ultimately they want to reach their goals (whether financial or other) as a result.
Who, or what, from the conversation you’ve selected to enter, demonstrates (either positively or negatively) the things your clients want to achieve?
Originally we decided we would use Bill Gates (the number one person on the Forbes 400) to communicate a story that tied into our SEO services. However, we decided that for our ideal prospects Bill Gates had probably been used over and over in other stories and articles, and it would be a bit boring. So instead we decided to use….drum roll please… Justin Bieber. Which perfectly ties in with the next question.
How can you make it fascinating?
People are bored! Yes, even top-level executives like we were marketing to. That’s not to say they don’t have plenty of things on their plates. For executives it is actually the opposite; they have too much on their plates, so if your message is boring it will be ignored.
After spending some time pondering these questions, you should have a good idea as to which conversation you are going to enter as well as how you are going to enter it.
Warning: Don’t ignore your gut!
At some point while reading the info above, you had several campaign ideas pop into your mind, right? Okay, you know that idea you had that you dismissed? Yeah, the crazy one! The one you thought would be too “out there.” The one you thought wouldn’t be professional enough. More than likely that is the one you should pursue.
Pursue it even if you are marketing to a business. It is important to remember that businesses don’t make decisions. It is people at the businesses who make decisions. The business doesn’t and can’t make a decision. The business is an inanimate object. Never forget that there is a person behind every business decision, and people are bored and want to be entertained.
The next step in the process was to select our target audience. We have a large client base, and we didn’t want to promote our “new” services to all of them because we were only looking to add three new clients.
30 to 10
Using what was laid out above, we identified all of our clients that we truly believed would benefit from our organic SEO services. This provided us with a list of about 30 people.
My gut told me that 30 was too many to send the campaign to. I believed that we would have a great response rate, and therefore we would have to turn many of them away. So I decided that we would only send this campaign out to 10 clients.
So we had to dwindle the list down, but how? Who should be removed? The answer was simple. We ranked all 30 of these clients in order of their ability to afford our organic SEO services, which start at around $600 per month.
We did this based on two criteria: One, how much they had spent with us in the past; two, how much we estimated their annual revenue was each year.
This made the process easy. So with our 10 in hand, it was time to develop our campaign and determine exactly what to send them.
Figuring Out What To Mail
We knew that we were going to use Justin Bieber who was on the cover of Forbes. Our message was going to center around the idea that Justin can teach you how to grow your business.
Along with our sales letter (example below)we were going to mail them a copy of the Forbes issue with Justin on the cover, as a tie-in piece. But we wanted something with more of a WOW factor.
Many people get bogged down with this part of the process. With so many options available, how in the world do you determine what to send?
Simple! You want to send something you are certain will make it to the hands of the decision maker. We knew that just a copy of Forbes with our sales letter might not make it to their hands.
When figuring out what to send, it is important to think about the person you are mailing to. For us, we knew that all of our prospects had an assistant or secretary that screened their mail each day.
We knew we had to do something that would make it past their gatekeeper, and into their hands. Some of the ideas we considered for sending our sales letter were: overnight via FedEx, blind (meaning nothing that indicates who it is from) in a box, a gift with the letter inside the box, a certified letter requiring their signature.
We were certain that any of these options would make it past their gatekeeper, but that didn’t solve the next big problems that accompany direct mail -. getting past the trash can, and past the “to be read later” stack.
Sending Justin
What if we could actually send Justin Bieber to their office; surely he would make it to the decision maker even if they really didn’t know who Justin was. But we were confident that someone in their office would have heard of him.
Unfortunately, Justin was busy with the release of his new album. And even if he hadn’t been busy I’m quite certain we couldn’t have afforded to have him personally deliver our sales letter to them.
So we did the next best thing -. we purchased life-sized cardboard cutouts of Justin.
The only problem with the life-sized cutout was that we couldn’t ship it assembled (at least not at a reasonable price). So we decided to hand-deliver them to our ten prospects.
Getting Past the Gatekeeper
We were confident that the Justin Bieber cutout would make it to the decision maker (after all, how often do they receive a life-sized cutout?). But the next challenge was ensuring the sales letter got read.
There were two things we did to help ensure this happened:
-We placed our sales letter in an envelope with the prospect’s name written in big bold letters, and then we taped it directly on the life-sized cutout.
-When delivering it to their offices, we didn’t offer any explanation or hang around so they could ask us questions.
The Result?
Within 24 hours we had four responses expressing their sincere interest. And within 48 hours of delivering the cutout we had a total of six responses. If you’re keeping track, that is a 60% response rate.
Of the six who responded, four of them actually sent us a picture of themselves with their Justin Bieber cutout. The reason? Part of our sales letter offered them a discount for sending us a photo of them standing next to Justin.
Using scarcity as a motivator, we only offered three openings in our Organic SEO program. So, staying true to our word, we only accepted three of them as SEO clients. The others were placed on a waiting list.
From the three clients we accepted, their immediate contracts totaled just over $21,000.00. So, you’re probably wondering why the blog title says the $26,495.00 SEO Sales Letter Example, right? Well, one of these clients has already extended their contract for an additional six months, bringing the revenues from this campaign to over $26,495.00, and this will likely continue to increase, as the other clients renew their contracts.
The Second Mail Piece
We had actually developed a three-step sequence for this campaign. But with a 60% response rate within 48 hours, and all three spots taken, we weren’t too motivated to send out the next two parts of the sequence. Can you blame us?
However, we went ahead and mailed out the next piece one week later mostly for our own curiosity to see how many more would respond.
The next step was sending the four who hadn’t responded a copy of Justin Bieber’s newly released album, with an accompanying sales letter.
Of the four sent, we had one person respond, giving us a 25% response rate, and a 70% response rate for the campaign.
What Never Happened
Our original inspiration for the campaign was Justin on the cover of Forbes. Sending a sales letter along with a copy of Forbes was intended to be our final step in the campaign, and would have been used to tie the campaign together.
But honestly, we never sent the copy of Forbes -. and I never finished the third sales letter. We were busy getting our three new Organic SEO clients set up, and I simply didn’t have much motivation.
Sure, we could have possibly gotten one (maybe two) more responses. But with all three spots taken, and already a 70% response rate… we threw in the towel.
The Actual Letter?
Would you be interested in a copy of the actual sales letter that produced a 60% response rate, and over $26,000 in revenue?
If I were a savvy internet marketer, I would require you to opt-in to download a copy of the sales letter. But I guess I’m not very savvy, because the following link will let you download the actual letter:
(Megan says: Seriously – this is a sales letter example you don’t want to miss! Go ahead and download it!)
Conclusion and Warning
I can hear it now from the copywriting gurus, “Your headline sucks, you have a weak hook, and you didn’t use the triangulation method (or some other ridiculously named method) close.”
My response? Look at the results!
All too often, we as entrepreneurs get hung up on trying to make things perfect. So much so that we never take action on the things that could have the biggest impacts on our lives. My good friend and mentor Dirk Margheim says:
“Imperfect action triumphs over perfect inaction every single time.”
So if you’d like to be a critic of the sales letter, by all means go ahead. Or if you’d rather take what is there and adapt it to your own market, by all means go ahead; it’s yours for the swiping.
When carefully and thoughtfully executed, direct response marketing can yield some massive ROI for you. Don’t forget: it isn’t about your needs or desires; it’s about your prospect, and their needs and desires.
What about you? Have you run a campaign that was hugely successful? If so, leave a comment below and share a little about it.
Disclaimer: My results aren’t typical. I’m in no way telling you that you will make as much money, have the same response rate, or experience what I have experienced. I’m confident that if you devote time to learning, and then taking action, you will likely experience some failures. This is the way life works. No one is successful at 100% of what they attempt. But I believe those who ultimately succeed are those who learn how to fail, learn from their failure, and then try again.
Great article I read it and used it for mindsaw.com to get some new SEO clients
Website Design Long Beach
Awesome info… I will definitely try this out and apply it…
Nice idea!
Although in the letter I noticed a spelling mistake. It’s “The Beatles”, not “The Beetles”. 😉
Dude! Just when I thought JB’s 15 minutes were just about up, you extend his celebrity life another 15! Well, at least now we know JB can make money for somebody besides himself. I’m just kidding, all my daughter’s friends say he is a really good guy.
Seriously, though, most people (executives included) love to intersect with the product of other people’s creativity. This is why art endures for generations. You made your whole campaign a “work of art.” The sales letter was only a few brush strokes on the whole canvass. I would guess that you will generate other work besides SEO from the recipient’s of that campaign because they recognise someone who finds creative solutions to standard problems.
Godspeed, Mr. Mullins.
Thanks Brian!
Brian T
Well done and bes ways to get anyone attention. As I read your blog, I thought Justin Bieber is just a kid who cares but getting 60% new customers worked well for you and hope you get more customers.
Hey Wayne
Critical Assumption in your mail is deep understanding of prospects.. in many consumer focused products and applications, segmentation and understanding of prospect is not that clean.. has your team had some experience where you think running outreach campaigns for a big audience can use direct mailers… especially if it s a new product or service… and what conversion numbers will be satisfactory.
would love to hear from you
Hey Sarab,
You are correct, without a crystal clear understanding of our prospects this campaign would have likely yielded a less significant response rate.
We do have experience in doing other campaigns for clients where we didn’t have as much knowledge of our target audience. What we typically do is try to do some surveying of the target market to understand a couple of things:
1. What motivates them? Meaning what are their needs, wants, and desires.
2. What are their fears? Meaning what are they trying to prevent or avoid.
With these answers in hand, we then create a fictitious character that represents the average person in our target audience. We utilize this fictitious character and “put ourselves in their shoes”. We have found this approach helps improve response rates, because we are able to write copy and design the campaign based the target audience.
Success with traditional direct mail is really a numbers game. As a general rule of thumb you should make sure your numbers would make sense with only a 1% response rate.
Not sure if that answers your question. Let me know if further clarification is needed.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Stephen Huggett
great article..I still think snail mail works…and you proved it
Thanks Stephen.
Strange isn’t it how email/direct mail have made a full circle considering email and the net just about has put the USPS out of biz!
Considering your use of direct mail makes perfect sense! Since ‘physical’ mail is just about on its ‘death-bed’ due to low volume, there’s less mail to compete with thus it’s easier to be noticed! The added benefit is if more people adopt this ‘ancient’ method it may spare the USPS from its eminent demise, or at least postpone it!
BTW love the use of that ‘steely eyed’ he-man Justine Bieber! The boy will always brings a chuckle to anyone over 15 and God knows I love to laugh 🙂
Cool blog & great content!
Thanks for the info and the way you present it!
You hit the nail on the head…whatever you do, you MUST standout from the crowd. The drastic decline in traditional “snail mail” provides the perfect opportunity to get noticed.
Thanks TJ for reading and commenting.
Hi Wayne,
Thanks for sending me the sales letter. I’ll send you an email regarding my target market and if direct mail can work in and out of state. Thank you!
Hey Karely,
You’re welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I love the work you do over at Bigbo!dBRAND. Very impressive!
I completely agree, I believe there is potential for tremendous payoff with direct mail right now. Keep inspiring!
Loved the article – thanks for being so detailed Wayne.!!
I often find that people hold back the key pieces of how to execute a campaign and appreciate that you offered it all!
When I started in the marketing industry we used to do cool, big, well thought out, promos like this fairly often, and I miss doing them. I think there’s an even bigger opportunity for pay-off now with a creative direct-mail campaign since everyone is focused on online methods. People forget to go with a blue ocean strategy – get out in the clear waters and you’ll be seen!
That has to be one of the coolest ways to get a letter.
I mean how could that not spark people’s interest. That in combination with the increasing revenue.
Sound like a winning combination to me.
I guess direct mail campaigns can be equally if not more powerful than the regular stuff.
Great work.
Hey Iain,
You’re right, if you don’t first capture their attention, then nothing else matters.
I love the work you are doing with farms and farmers. Have you come across any really cool marketing campaigns from within that industry? I’d like to chat with you about the services you provide. We are currently working with two farms here in Louisiana, and I would love to pick your brain and see how you might be able to help.
Thank you for the kind words.
I haven’t come across any cool campaigns that come to mind. The Ram ad was interesting but not necessarily for farmers.
I’ll be straight with you, we don’t offer any services yet. If you’re still interested, you can fire an email my way.
I’m always happy to chat.
Peter Michaels
Wayne – that’s the most amusing and informative case study I’ve read in ages!
Even aside from all the Bieber-dummy fun, the principles here are rock-solid, and key to your 70% response rate:
Get that attention… get in that conversation… give ’em what they want… and make the core benefits clear.
When it sounds simple, it means you’re doing it right!
Nice work, and thanks for an entertaining direct response lesson.
“Get that attention… get in that conversation… give ‘em what they want… and make the core benefits clear.” That’s the best summary of persuasive copywriting that I have heard. Thanks for sharing Peter.
Matt @ Manifest Income
Hey Wayne,
Fantastic stuff here, direct mail does not cross my marketing radar nearly enough. This post was a nice case study, small set, but hey, very creative, amusing and EFFECTIVE. I know the 3 that ultimately didn’t respond, still got a genuine chuckle of it, improving what may have been a stressful day.
Play, Passion, Purpose – Entertain people, wether they need you or not, you are still building an audience that will remember you.
I’m going to start outlining a direct mail campaign, and thanks to your creative approach, I have a fun excuse to get it to the top of the priority list…
You couldn’t be more spot on with the balance of theory and application for entrepreneurs, both being self-driven in most cases… I’m going to strive for more imperfect actions today! Take Action.
P.S. – More power to you kickin’ ass in the SEO deliverable business. Did it myself for years, and scaling it is quite a challenge! Keep up the great work.
Thanks Matt! I think you are absolutely right, most people get too hung up worrying about what others are going to think or say. Being willing to step out and entertain and engage your audience is a key component.
Jean Buschke
I love this! It’s taking that extra step..or several.. outside the box that makes you stand out. What a cool adventure! Thanks for sharing it!
“Successful business owners are those who do what other business owners know they should do…but simply don’t.” Ari Weinzweig – Founding Partner of Zingerman’s
As you pointed out, the difference between blending in and standing out usually involves only a few additional (minor) steps.
Thanks for the comment Jean!
radlyn mendoza
Great article! As a business owner who seeks the advice of SEO experts, after I read your letter, I wanted to pick up the phone and hire you myself!
Thanks! Feel free to call. 😉
I downloaded the letter, but I received a bunch of gobbly-gook. The words are mixed in with characters and other web stuff. 😉
Hi Wayne,
Perfect timing!
I’ve been toying with the idea of using direct mail to boost and refresh my freelance writing business. I’m glad I read this post first before I signed up with a direct mail company.
The one thing that’s tripping me up is: Do I send direct mail to local businesses? Or, do I branch out and send direct mail to businesses in other states? A part of me wants to send direct mail to businesses in other states, but I haven’t decided if this would be a good thing to do.
I’ll take your tips and tweak them for my freelance writing business.
Amandah, without knowing more about your target audience, it is difficult to give an opinion about in-state vs. out-of-state. Feel free to email me with details, and I’ll be glad to share my thoughts. wayne [at] uglymugmarketing [dot] com
P.S. – I emailed you a copy of the sales letter. Let me know if you have any problems accessing it.
Cecilia Harry
Direct mail can be like that hand-written thank you note after a job interview. It communicates interest in what is now an uncommon way. I would be so excited to get a life-size Justin in my office!
I had a company send me a little box of peanut butter and jelly packets (like from a hotel’s breakfast spread) with an invitation to join them for National PB&J day. I took a photo of my spread (pun intended) and tweeted it with a thank you.
However, I received no follow up interaction. What a great concept that fell short in execution. PB&J day came and went, and I didn’t even remember it until reading this post.
Hey Cecilia,
Thanks for sharing your PB&J day story! Too bad they didn’t do a better job of following through with their promotion. Do you still have a copy of the photo, or the message they sent with the PB&J? I’d love to see it if you still have access to it.
Cecilia Harry
Hi Wayne, I will send it to you through your contact info on your website.
Hey Jennifer,
I completely understand it when you say that people scoff when you tell them to consider direct mail. I’m constantly amazing at the lengths people will go to try and find the next “big” internet tool that will magically take their business or career to the next level. They spend all their time chasing the trends instead of getting results.
Thanks for sharing!
Matt @ Manifest Income
trend-chasing instead of trend-setting.
So true when it comes to clients and/or students being shocked or possibly offended when you say “Well, this auto-responder is going to cost you $25 a month but it will drive your permission-based ema……” – “wait, $25.. a month? Nevermind.”
The person has to be genuinely connected to the means to the end. Teaching one to fish rather than catching them, all the time, is so fruitful. With our SEO clients now, we spend at least 2-4 hours a week in action-oriented workshops ending with tangible takeaways to get done, and although the overall sales and rankings are down at the moment, because we are organically re-growing, the client appreciates our work more and the relationship is brighter.
The person MUST be emotionally and, as Jennifer said, personally connected to your message and YOU. That is the sweet-spot where a targeted distribution set of 10, gets you 7 conversions.
If Bieber opens up their minds, hey, you’ve found a great way to educate.
Jennifer Kyrnin
I love this! I’ve been telling students and clients for years not to discount direct mail as a way of getting clients (or prospects) but most of them scoff at this because they are so focused on online that they forget that there is still a large segment of the populace that prefers offline things.
I love too how personalized you made this. You aren’t talking about sending out a mass mailing of a generic sales letter to 3000 people you found in the phone book. This is something else people must consider when considering direct mail. The more personal it is (like by putting their name on an envelope taped to a cut out of JB) the more likely they’ll take action on it.
I also like the message this sends that you need to spend money in order to make money. It’s cliched, but so many of my web designer clients want to do everything with free tools and when I suggest spending money on a better tool that will last them longer and have better results, they are offended. Free can be good, but crafting something excellent and spending money to make it excellent can be good too!
Thanks for the post.
Jessica Oman
Excellent article! There is definitely still a place for direct mail. The concept is just like online sales letters – figure out what will elicit a response from your readers, describe the benefits and watch the inquiries roll in.
In January 2013 my company sent a direct mail campaign to 180 targeted individuals. About 8% of the letters were returned (no such address), and our overall response rate was about 6%. But, the value per customer is anywhere from $2250 to $25,000 or more! So far, our direct mail campaign has resulted in over $30,000 in new work. And for $450 plus a few hours of internet research, it was SO worth it!
Hey Jessica,
A 6% response rate is awesome! Was the campaign sent to a client or prospect list? Thanks for sharing your direct mail story.
Jessica Oman
This was for prospects. Yeah, we were super pumped!
Then 6% is truly an amazing response rate. I’d love see/hear more about the specifics of your campaign. Was it a long-form letter? Was the call to action to immediately purchase, or to schedule a consultation etc? What did it look like? (Meaning was there any fancy graphic design, or was it mostly plain text?) How did you select the list to send it to?
Hi Wayne – okay, I went back and looked at the conversions. Actual response rate was just under 6%. So far, the real value of the work we got as a result of the campaign is $24,230 – but most of these are clients who give us ongoing work, so the lifetime value of the campaign could easily double that.
I used a one-page letter on company letterhead, signed by hand, and in an envelope addressed to a specific person. We also included a brochure with details of the exact product we were offering them. The list was derived from a specific market segment we wanted to reach, and they are all part of a professional association – we just went through their directory and picked out everyone who was local and appeared to be in good standing with the association.
The call to action was a time-sensitive discount, but actually, only a couple people took advantage of that before it expired. They contacted us when it worked for them, and paid full price happily.
Can’t wait to run it again next January 🙂
Sounds like you need to do a post about your campaign here on Firepole Marketing . 😉 Congrats on the success of the campaign.
P.S. – The guarantee on your website is great. Excellent use of risk reversal.
Teressa Campbell
Great post! My daughter would have been sold the minute she saw the cutout. No letter required! Congratulations on your success!
Thanks Teressa!