Decision Making Tools From The Frontlines Of Guy Kawasaki’s New Book "Enchantment"
Guest Author
Guy Kawasaki’s new book, Enchantment: “The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions”. It’s a great book and you should pick up a copy, but as just a bit of extra incentive for you, we’re going to share with you a ten-point checklist from the end of the book that you can use to make more enchanting decisions in your business and life.
1. If I Waited A Week, Would I Still Make The Same Decision?
Asking this question will help you to put aside some of the urgency that the situation might be creating, and help you make a decision with a clearer head.
2. A Year From Now, Will This Decision Still Be A Good One?
This question will help you to put the decision in the perspective of your broader goals, interests, and priorities.
3. Have I Done My Homework By Reading Independent Reports And Reviews Of The Product/Service/Organization/Idea?
This question will help you tell whether you’re leaning towards a decision for good reason, or just because you’re feeling excited. Not to say that excitement isn’t good, but it should be validated!
4. Am I Fully Aware Of The Total Cost Of This Decision, Including Installation, Support, Maintenance, Subscriptions, And Upgrades?
When we want something, we tend to ignore hidden or deferred costs and consequences. Ask yourself if you had to pay the full amount now, would it be worth it?
5. Will This Decision Harm People?
Stop and think – don’t rush past this in your enthusiasm. If the decision will harm people, then think of a way to prevent that from happening, or make a different decision.
6. Will This Decision Unduly Harm The Environment?
The same logic as the last question applies here as well. Ends don’t justify means.
7. Is This Decision Unethical, Immoral, Or Illegal?
This is an important question. Most things aren’t black and white – they’re shades of grey, and when something is a shade of grey and we’re excited, we might rationalize why it is okay. Is it really?
8. Will This Decision Set A Bad Example For My Children?
This question is the acid test to validate your answer to the question of whether the decision might be unethical, immoral, or illegal. We all agree that raising children with happiness and integrity is more important than whatever decision we might be contemplating today. Would that decision be setting the right example?
9. If No One Could See That I Was Doing This, Would I Still Do It?
In other words, is it really the right thing to do?
10. If Everyone Could See That I Was Doing This, Would I Still Do It?
Same thing. Is it really the right thing to do?
That’s it – ten decision making tips. The checklist is great, but only a tiny fraction of the book – less than one page out of 200. So head over to your favorite bookseller, pick up a copy of Enchantment, and read the other 199!
Matt Tanguay
Hey Danny,
Thanks for the post; those are interesting ideas to make better decisions. I would also add that this needs to become a habit in order to do it consistently. I don’t believe using willpower alone to remember to go through this list every time we have a decision to make is sufficient. We need to install the habit, the reflex, the ritual of asking ourselves these 10 questions. It typically takes about 30 days of consistent effort to install a new routine, but once it’s in place, it becomes almost effortless and automatic.
Danny Iny
That’s a very good point, Matt. How would you recommend people instill this habit?
Matt Tanguay
Hey Danny, thanks for asking. We have to understand that we have very willpower, that we have a lot more in the morning, and that we burn it quickly throughout the day. I believe the best way to install new habits is to focus the little willpower we have everyday on one (maximum two) habit(s) at a time. It starts with leverage; Ask yourself WHY this is a MUST for you. If willpower
alone isn’t enough, setting up accountability does wonders. It can be individual accountability, like a tracking sheet, or an accountability partner. I normally go the other way around. I start with my long-term vision (20-50 years), then go down to my next 90 days. I then ask myself what is the highest leverage activity I can start right now to get closer to that vision. Finally, I ask myself what conditions I must put in place in order to make it inevitable to achieve that one highest leverage activity. Building a new habit and getting an accountability partner is usually the answer to that last question. In my case, my business coach, Danny Iny, acts as my (fierce) accountability partner. I also use a tracking sheet intensely when I am installing new routines.
The result of all of this for me is:
– A powerful morning ritual that PULLS me to a peak physical, emotional and mental state daily
– Daily muscular and cardio training for a half hour
– A (mostly) vegan diet
– Greater energy and capacity than ever before
– Increased productivity and focus
– Faster progress in my business
P.S.: I use “habit” and “routine” interchangeably.
Danny Iny
Hey Matt, thanks for the super-detailed reply! 🙂
Matt Tanguay
Hope it was clear 🙂