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Oracle Cards for Transformation (Colette Baron Reid) Transcript

Just Between Coaches _ Episode 135

Oracle Cards for Transformation (Colette Baron Reid)

Colette Baron Reid: What I’ve found is that when, let’s say, for a coach, you pull a card before your session, then it will give you an angle in which you can present information to the client, but also will reflect something back to you.

Melinda Cohan: Are you curious about oracle cards like the role in vision, goal setting, dialogue, or even as a bridge to deeper connections? Today, I have a fantastic topic in store for you.

 I’m Melinda Cohan, and you’re listening to Just Between Coaches. I run a business called the Coaches Console, and we’re proud to have helped tens of thousands of coaches create profitable and thriving businesses. This is a podcast where we answer burning questions that newer coaches would love to ask a more experienced coach. I’m going to have an extraordinary conversation that promises to unlock the secrets of a unique coaching tool, oracle cards. Because here’s the twist. These are not just pretty pictures like they are gateways to deep insights and transformation. Stay tuned as my incredible guest and I take a playful turn with the cards.

Today, we have the amazing Colette Baron Reid with us. She is a trailblazer in the realm of intuition and transformation. She’s an internationally acclaimed oracle expert, spiritual, intuitive, personal transformation coach as well. She’s the founder of the Oracle School Experience and Dream Quest Platinum Mastermind, and she’s here to guide us into the mystical world of oracle cards, exploring their power, the symbolism and the profound impact that they can have in coaching. Welcome, Colette.

Colette: Oh, it’s so great to be here. You know, a big fan of yours. It’s a wonderful topic, and I love talking about how coaches can use oracle cards as a really great tool in their toolbox when they work with clients.

Melinda: Well, I am excited to have you on the show because I am a giant fan of yours as well. I mean that we are actually here having this conversation. I just keep wanting to pinch myself, and every morning I sit down with one of your Oracle decks. It’s part of my self-care. It’s part of my morning ritual. I was just doing it earlier and it was just surreal knowing, oh, my gosh, I’m getting ready to have a podcast interview with Colette, and it’s just so much fun. But before we dive into our conversation, would you mind sharing just a little bit of your background? Like, how did your journey with oracle cards begin?

Colette: I came from a very academic family. When I was a little kid, I think they decided I would be a lawyer, right? That was it. Sent my sister and I to private schools. Very hardworking immigrants, right? My dad was Serbian. His grandmother was Mongolian. He loved to tell us that we were direct descendants of Genghis Khan. My mom was German, even though she had Polish background. So we had quite a fascinating, you know, group.

And they came to Canada, right? So Canada was going to be where it all worked out.

So what happened was I wanted to be a singer. So I was always interested in music, the arts, etcetera, because the arts actually come into the same way, like intuition, art, it comes from this really amorphous place where creativity is a gateway to intuition. But I had more than the average bear. I just knew things about people when I was a little kid, and I had these really strange dreams. Actually, one of them is something that became a real, real difficult moment between me and my mom, because I kept dreaming the same nightmare of a line of naked, skinny people, like really, really skeletal looking people, and a man crying at a table with a pile of teeth and a pile of gold. And then I saw people being shoved into an easy bake oven.

And I would tell my mom and it had bad smells. And it was the same every month for a period of time when I was very, very small. And I remember that she didn’t want to pick me up, but this nightmare, she did not want to pick me up. So my mother came to Canada, raised us Anglican. We went to a waspie school. They were going to figure out a way how to make us Canadian, right? But she didn’t tell anybody in the family for 25 years that my grandfather was killed in Dachau. He was a French Jew. She was born out of wedlock. He never married her mother, who was Polish, so her mother was not Jewish, but the fact that she had a parent that was Jewish would have sent her to the camps.

So my mother was hidden in a Christian family, and so she became a hidden child during the war. He was picked up by the SS at the door after her mother was killed by a bomb. He was coming to get her, and he went and was killed in a concentration camp. She never wanted anybody to know that she had that background, that she had any Jewish blood in her that was, like, dangerous. And she certainly wasn’t going to tell anybody. When she came to Canada, it was enough that she was German. So I never knew this until my twenties, when my father had lost the family’s fortune or whatever. And my mom had a couple of drinks, and she said, those dreams of yours. And then she told us about our actual history, which was completely hidden from us.

Now, my dad, they both died 35 years ago, back-to-back. He taught me how to read Turkish coffee cups, because he obviously saw what I could do, even though it was verboten. But at the same time, there was a curiosity. So he taught me how to see spirit animals in the Turkish coffee cups. So I had precedents that created a desire for me because I saw things. I could see things, I could dream things, I knew things. So when my dad died, after his funeral, the oldest living friends that were also from Serbia told me that I came to this from my father because my father went into a trance when he was reading somebody Turkish coffee cup and didn’t even remember what he said.

So his friends told me, your father was this, but he was an engineer and an inventor and a land developer, and that was his profession. But he was just like me. So I inherited this, and it became an actual profession, bizarrely, because it is really interesting to see how it came about, because when it really kicked in, I was gang raped when I was 19. I went to university and started to have trouble with drugs and drinking at university and before that, too. So I had a problem. I felt too much. The world was too much for me. So after that, I had a psychotic break.

And it’s very common for women when they’re raped, especially in a group rape, that you disconnect from your body. You’re completely disconnected. Sometimes you don’t even remember what happened. But I remember distinctly that I went up and over to my right in the corner of the room. And that’s actually where I go now, where I do a reading. I go up and over so I can split. So it actually gave me a gift, even though I was nuts for years, and rightly so, I became an alcoholic, a drug addict. I’m 38 years clean and sober as of yesterday, interestingly enough.

But all of those things actually added to my sensitivity once I got clean and sober and devoted myself to the spiritual path, because as soon as I did that, the skill set became real and the access became clean. And it was no longer, like a party trick where people would say, oh, go ask Colette. So I certified as an aromatherapist in Canada when I was two years sober. So that’s 36 years ago, and it was brand new. Nobody had aromatherapy. And I was pursuing a career in music, looking for a record deal. And so that was my day job, basically. I became an aromatherapist, massage therapist.

And what happened was the minute I put my hands on people, I’ll never forget this one woman that came. I immediately said, oh, your stepfather’s name is Frank. And he molested you when you were eight, and this is why you have so much attention. The woman jumped off the table, so, of course you should never do that. But I didn’t know any better. And I was like, does this make any sense to you? And anyway, bottom line is, she told her friends, and nobody wanted to book a massage. They wanted to talk to me. That’s how my career actually really launched.

And I’m like, okay, I knew how to read Tarot. I had my first deck when I was 17. I was fascinated with divination. That was my hobby. Like, I was obsessed with it, but I never, ever thought it would be anything I would ever want to do, right? So I kept telling people, the first six years I did this. I don’t really do this. I’m really a singer. Don’t come back next year. For years and years and years and years, until one day, actually six years in that year, clients called me from 29 countries. There was no Internet. I didn’t give out business cards. This was all people passing out my phone number in airplanes, in airports, in whatever.

When the last guy that called me, I started crying because I thought he was calling from the Delhi up the road. He said he was calling from Delhi. And I’m like, why are you calling me from the Delhi up the road? Like, what is happening to me? And he said, oh, I heard about you in an airport in London. And then I started crying, and I realized, oh, my God. People from different countries had called me within 18 months without me, ever, and I didn’t even have a cell phone. So there was something to this. And I think the reason why I became so successful is because I’ve never done anything to promote it. People will have an experience. They will tell somebody. It’s the experience is what’s meaningful. You can tell anybody how great you are, but in this day and age, you have to be what you say you are.

Melinda: Yeah.

Colette: You know, I got signed to Hay House, my first oracle card deck. I had made one, which was my second opinion deck, because I found tarot to be very frightening for people, especially when they’d see all these negative cards, because it was very medieval and there wasn’t anybody redoing the cards for a modern perspective. I made my own, and then it became the wisdom of Avalon, and divination is my obsession. And so I now have 17 decks this year.

Melinda: My favorite one is the mystical shaman oracle.

Colette: Great. I trained coaches. I had a class school called the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. So I actually own the trademark Intuitive Coach. So I will be launching again for coaches. It’ll be a specific program for coaches who are already coaches to learn how to genuinely use this as a tool.

Melinda: Let’s talk about how do you see Oracle cards as a powerful tool for a coach in their business working with their clients. Let’s start there.

Colette: Perfect. A coach actually helps somebody determine find their answers themselves by usually by taking them through a series of questions or prompts, depending on the kind of coach that you are and what you’re coaching for. What I found is that when, let’s say for a coach, you pull a card before your session, then it will give you an angle in which you can present information to the client, but also will reflect something back to you. Because no matter what you do, if you are a coach, no matter what kind of coach you are, you are also signing up for a personal growth experience yourself personally.

There’s no such thing as a person who becomes a coach that doesn’t also have to peel away the layers of stuff, shadow, content, whatever because you are dealing with other people. You’re going to see yourself reflected in your sessions often as well, too. That’s just the way it is. So Oracle cards can give you first as the coach an understanding of your experience stepping into the session, but it can also give you some insight on the client.

Right? So what can I know about this session stepping into it today? It can be what do I need to know about myself? What can I learn about this particular client today?

Where it becomes really interesting is, and also, I should say that Oracle cards work off of synchronicity. They are always going to reflect some level of truth. They will reflect your dominant energy. So whatever is going on, even if you ask a question about something else, it’s going to reflect what’s really important to look at. So it reflects the dominant energy that is impacting you, whether by you and your own psyche and experience or whatever, like that’s coming out of you or people around you or circumstances are impacting you that you may not be aware of or even think about.

Like, oh yeah, this is going on in my life right now. It may not have anything to do with my profession, but I’m really pissed at my husband or I’m really going through a thing with my mom. But it is in your energy and it’s going to ask you to clean it up.

Melinda: Yeah.

Colette: So in a way, it acts as a mystical broom as well too, to say like, let’s get my cobwebs out of the way so I can serve. So in a coach client dialogue, if you have a client over a period of time, you have to stay on your toes. A smart client is going to catch your methodology and zap out. And so client retention sometimes can be a unique issue for people because the person gets bored, they zone out. They already know what you’re going to ask next or suggest next, and they go flat. But when you bring an oracle card to the table and you ask them, you always have to ask them, obviously, would it be okay if I pull a card for you? Let’s see what’s coming up for you today.

And that person will invariably go, oh, wow, I really need to look at that today. Yes. They’re back on the table and say, so let’s talk about that. Right? Then you can have whatever dialogue process that you have or a way in which you coach, because not all coaches are the same, right? So not all coaching styles are the same, but this is the same. So it’s like, okay, so let’s take a look at a subject, what do you think? And then the person can say to you, you know, I don’t know. Okay, let’s get your attention now. So let’s invite spirit into the room. And you can use different language because oracle cards are a psychological tool. They are spiritual psychology in a box.

Like, I think all of life is spiritual, but people are sometimes allergic to that language, right? So you could say, okay, so let’s take a look at the psyche. The psyche is really the soul plus the mind, right? It’s going to hit you deeply. My oracle cards specifically are not fluffy bunny things. They are going to go deep no matter who it is and no matter what. So it’s going to make you stop and go, ooh, something witnesses me right now.

Melinda: Yeah.

Colette: I am being witnessed by something greater than me. And then both of you are like, wow, the cards don’t lie. Actually, our motto in or in the Oracle school experience is you can’t make this shit up. And when I turn coaches to work with it, and that was way back in 2012. I’m only now returning to the concept, but, you know, it was all about how does one become fully accountable for one’s choices and how do we create? How can we enter into reality creation from a deliberate standpoint, but also one where you are completely open minded and you are aware and conscious of everything that’s going on, instead of only operating out of ambition, which is extremely narrow.

And so the cards can keep you wider, you know, and also keep you open and curious, you know, because when synchronicity works in somebody’s life, you’re like, what just happened? Right? And then all of a sudden, you are no longer in that narrow dialogue. You’re now in something that’s a little bit more meaningful for them, and you’ve got their attention again.

Melinda: Yeah, I love the question that you asked. You know what’s coming up for you? One of the questions that I’ll ask myself, or when I’m working with somebody and we’re bringing in cards to the conversation, why is this the perfect card for you in this moment?

Colette: Right.

Melinda: And sometimes, you know, there’s like, oh, my gosh, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And sometimes they’ll be like, I don’t know why that’s the perfect card, right? Or they’re like, that’s, I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. Or, no, that’s not, and so then one of the things that I say is, well, if you had to guess, like, take a guess, why would this be a great card for you right now?

Colette: Right.

Melinda: I, and then inevitably they’re like, well, you know, maybe. And then it opens up the conversation and off they go. How do you address people that are like, I don’t know how this card makes sense or I don’t know what it’s bringing up. How do you help clients in that spot?

Colette: I say, well, let’s get a clarity card. But I would also ask, do you notice this is a pattern? Because also, sometimes when people, they don’t want the card, they’re like, I don’t want to see that. Yeah, right. Oh, I don’t know why it’s there. Why is that there? But you could say, does this mean anything to you in terms of your people in your environment that could be impacting you right now? Something that has arisen in their life, that they’re struggling with, that has nothing to do with why they’re coming to you. Right? But it is part of the fabric of their reality. I like what you said to always bring it back to the clients. What do you think it could mean?

Melinda: Yeah, it’s just an exploration is all it is. And then inevitably the conversation flows where it needs to go.

Colette: It is about permission. Right? So in the Oracle school experience, it is really a personal growth transformation experience. That’s why we call it an experience. People come, they use oracle cards as the navigational tool, but ideally what they’re there for is to discover their purpose and to move away all the blocks, etc. That prevent them from actually stepping into what’s truly for them, right? When it comes to coaching, it’s a different thing. Like Oracle, cards can be used in so many different constructs, right?

So we see it as the flashlight. You can see it in the dark. With this, you can illuminate something that’s hidden from you. It is a magic mirror because it’s going to show you what you already know, but it’s also going to show you what’s behind you that you don’t know is there. It’s going to show you the hidden thing. It’s a GPS. When you feel a little lost, it’s going to get back on track and it’s going to show you your next step. Right? Here’s where you’re going to go next. Here’s where you could potentially be heading with this.

Also, it’s like, it’s a phone, right? ET phone home. Talk to God. God talks back using the idea of it being consciousness with a capital C. We tend to want to create stories around that greater consciousness or infinite intelligence and call it so many different things with so much baggage attached to the names, but call it whatever you want. There is a greater consciousness that supersedes the small self’s experience in life. We are pattern seekers and pattern makers and this helps us break out of those patterns.

Melinda: Now, I know for me, when I started working with the cards, it helped me to hear my own intuition. It sharpened that skill within me and it sharpened my skill of trusting myself.

Colette: Yeah.

Melinda: And just this morning I pulled a card and I’m like, doesn’t make any sense. That’s not me. And so I call a very close girlfriend a very close confidant, trusted. And I’m like, okay, I want to explore one word that jumped out at me that I would never have used that word to describe me, but I’m like, okay, something is there. And just a deeper sense of trust and a willingness to explore. Like you said, it was a flashlight, like those hidden realms. And after about a 20 minutes conversation with my girlfriend, these layers that I didn’t even know were there, deeply rooted mantras. And I’m like, oh, that’s probably why I’m not able to move forward in this area.

And so it helped to cultivate the trust in me. And when I present that to clients, some clients are like, oh, let’s dive in. And some are like, you want to do what? And I’m like, we’re just going to learn how to listen to your intuition and how to trust yourself. And we’re going to use this as a guide to do that. And then they’re like, okay, let’s do that. And so positioning it as a way to trust oneself and learning that, exercising that muscle, I find a lot of people are ready and willing for that, and then they’re like, okay, I’ll try this card thing that you have. I find people to be more curious than closed off.

Colette: Well, curiosity is our superpower, and it’s the only thing that will get us out of patterns. I believe less is more. Three cards is the most unique ever when it comes to the oracle cards that I’ve created, because they work off of universal archetypes and metaphors, and they lock in a lexicon, which is the vocabulary of imagery and whatever. And all my cards are based on one main lexicon. But ultimately, at the end of the day, what you’re looking at is your humanity.

And a second card can always give you that little piece that you’re missing. Like, what am I missing? I can ask, like, show me what I’m missing here that I can’t really quite see. So, the card that you had this morning, if I were to take a clarity card for you from a different deck, let’s say I took a clarity cardinal. I’ll do that right now without knowing what you got. Okay. So I’m going to pull a clarity card for this morning.

Melinda: Okay. This is cool because I’ve never pulled from a different deck. I’ve always pulled from the same deck whenever I sit down with them. So this is fun.

Colette: I like to take a clarity card from a second deck. So I’m going to pull one for you with your permission, and just let me know when. Is it okay if I pull one?

Melinda: Yes, go ahead.

Colette: So, time to go. So, time to go is a card that represents you having to move towards something that is unknown to you, away from something that you’re known, used to, doesn’t work for you anymore. It’s representational of an action. So, time to go. She’s actually walking, and she’s moving towards this unknown door. And the unknowable and the uncharted is something that you can’t preconceive because you don’t know it. And so I don’t know if that makes sense to you, but it’s saying to you, it is your time. This is the time to move. Keep going now. Leave it behind you. Does that make sense?

Melinda: Yeah, it absolutely does. And just a little insight. The card this morning, what it revealed was a mantra that I set for myself after I got divorced. It was the first time I’d ever been on my own. This is, we’re talking 25, 20 years ago. 20 some years ago, first time I’d ever been on my own. And when I started getting into coaching, I came across Dale Carnegie and I used to be an assistant coach with them. And that’s how I kind of dipped my toe into coaching.

And there was a mantra that I heard there, if it’s got to be, it’s up to me. And I can still feel the zing through my body. And at the time it lit a fire under me that was like, I can do this, I am capable. Which is, I did not know that back then.

Colette: Right?

Melinda: And what I didn’t realize until this morning is that has been operating like a constant machine, humming. And I am done creating from doing. And for the past year, this phrase, it’s time to create from being. And I’m like, my brain does not comprehend that. I do not understand that. I don’t understand how to create from being. And, you know, it’s about receiving, not creating and planning and implementing and executing. I’m like, I’ve had 20 years in this business of creating from doing and I don’t even know what that means. Create from being.

Colette: It’s so interesting you said that. So I run a new course now called the Spirit of Your Business. And that’s the intensives that I do with founders only. And it is all about that you have a partner and the partner is spirit, or consciousness of the capital C. You are gifted inspiration; it means you are gifted. Something was given to you, you’ve receiving it. Why would you think it’s all on you to do it when you actually have a vast resource, a spiritual resource that you can rely on. And because we have been taught to hustle, that’s the other thing, hustle culture. We wear it as a badge. It’s time to let it go because we are not more successful doing that.

Melinda: Yeah.

Colette: We are not happier doing that. We are disconnected from spirit when we do that.

Melinda: Yeah.

Colette: And we don’t even know what the business could possibly be because we keep dictating to it. By making an avatar of the perfect customer. How do you freaking know what that is? Spirit’s going to show you who your people are and then you want to ask, okay, so whoever gave me this, what do you think? What’s my next thing? And then your intuition is on fire and you start receiving the prompts and then the world starts to readjust itself for you. And the ease of which you need things to manifest start to happen. This is the true nature of co creation. It’s co creation. It’s not create alone.

Melinda: Yeah.

Colette: You manifest what you are, not what you want. The question that I ask everybody to answer in every single thing that I do is, who do you need to become to have that experience? It’s being. It is 100% what you said. You create from being. Every single product, service. Whatever I do asks that question. No matter if it’s a small thing, if it’s my bigger thing, it’s who do you need to become?

Melinda: Yeah.

Colette: It’s not what you do. The action part is important because you can’t be an armchair astronaut.

Melinda: That question right there is a powerful question. As soon as you said it, I’m like, well, I asked my clients this all the time, and it was what fueled me all the years in creating Coaches Console. Who do I need to become for that to be a reality? And that was what was important. And I knew by having that vision, it would constantly move me in that direction and evolve me as a woman, as a being, as a spirit, as an everything. So, yeah, who do you need to become for that goal, that vision, that idea to be a reality?

Colette: Yeah. And then you pull the card.

Melinda: Yeah. Now, with all of your decks, I mean, the detail that goes into them and the artwork, how does all the intricate details of each card, like, how does that play a role and contribute to the coaching experience?

Colette: Well, it really depends. Right? Art is subjective, so the detail is in the writing. Honestly, the art comes second. The art is beautiful. I will say the art is spectacular, but ultimately, it’s the words of the cards that are the impactful piece.

Melinda: Yeah. One of the things that I love, when I first started working with the oracle decks, I sat down with it. I was like, I don’t really know what to do with these things. And I love, at the beginning of your books, you have, you know, how to do different readings, and what I really loved when I first started this was how to ask a question, and you always gave several prompt questions. And so I would sit down and I would open the guidebook, and I would just look through the questions.

What do I need to know about, you know, describe the situation for my highest good, or what will be the result if I take this action? Or what do I need to change in order to improve things? One would always resonate. I’m like, okay, let’s ask that question. Shuffle the cards, pull a card. And so I love that you have the guidebook with the prompts. Now I ask my own questions. Sometimes I still go back to the book because I love the prompts.

Colette: Yeah.

Melinda: But now I ask my own questions. And so I just want coaches and people out there to know, if you’re not sure how to start working with a client, go to the guidebook.

Colette: Yeah. The guidebook is specifically for that. It’s there to teach everybody how to use the cards. There are millions of different ways in which to ask a question. I always say avoid asking yes or no questions because yes or no questions do not give you enough information.

Melinda: Yeah. You know, all the listeners that are listening in, I would say the vast majority of them are coaches, but they’re all practitioners of all different services that they offer. But I think one of the things that they have in common is that they’re all building their business.

Colette: Right.

Melinda: And so I love using the deck. Like, I will sit with a deck at my desk and I will use it from everything to a campaign that I’m building for insight or an article that I want to write or any kind of decision where I get a crinkle in my forehead, that’s my tool I reach for. And it helps me just to stay in the flow and stay connected to my highest good in that moment. So let’s imagine for all of our listeners out there that they are feeling a bit stuck in their coaching business. They’ve got big aspirations. They can’t pinpoint the next step. And so would you pull a card for everybody listening in? Is that a thing that we can do?

Colette: Yes. I will say the best deck for this type of question, these types of things, when you’re building a business, when you’re moving forward, is the wisdom of the oracle. It’s the deck I teach with, but it’s the deck that is indicative of both a prosperity message where you ask directly about your business, relationships, a general meaning and the protection meaning, which was in reverse. This is the most extensive deck that I encourage people to use if they’re asking about their business. So I will ask a question now, what does everybody here need to know if you’re stuck? How to get unstuck. How about that?

Melinda: Yeah, perfect.

Colette: I’m going to read it from the guidebook.

Melinda: So what’s the number?

Colette: 21. This is so funny. It’s such a short message. So I’ll read prosperity message first because it’s for business. Simple things like opening your mail, paying bills, sorting out your timetable, making lists, sorting things out. Getting organized is what this symbol means when it comes to your work. Make time for yourself. Two, this card is a sign you may be overburdened and overwhelmed. It’s okay to say no. You’ll prosper even more if you do.

So then the other one. Ever feel so bogged down with emotional gunk you can’t think straight? Could you be surrounded by physical clutter in your home? Also, too much work. Overwhelmed. Time to clean house. Every item out of place matter natters away at you. Every unresolved resentment, every comparison to others that leads to a sense of lack takes up energetic space. Every unpaid bill just adds to an unnecessary feeling of being overwhelmed. Now is the time to free yourself energetically, making room for the miracles that are lining up just for you.

Melinda: Wow. Beautiful. Beautiful.

Colette: So, I would say that is 100% correct for everybody here.

Melinda: So Colette, I know I could keep talking with you all day about this, but I just want to summarize some of the things that we talked about today, and I love that you talked about how the cards, it’s like spiritual psychology in a box. I love that. And they work off the synchronicity and reflect the dominant energy that’s impacting you. And I love that you showed how we can pull a card as the coach to help give us an understanding and insight, and then we can bring it in for our clients to pull. And I really loved when you described the cards as being a mystical broom, because the cleaner a coach can be when we’re with a client, the better vessel we can be.

I mean, that’s when we’re in the zone, right? That’s when we channel the wisdom that is beyond us. I think that’s just one of the most awesome parts of being a coach. And then I love all the different ways that you told us we can use cards as a flashlight, as a GPS, as a phone, and when, of course, we got into pulling the clarity card for me, which was unexpected, but super awesome, and reminding me who do I need to become for my next step to be a reality? And then, you know, pulling a card for everybody. Thank you so much. And do you have any parting words for our listeners today?

Colette: You know, don’t be afraid to use these. You know, this is a tool for everyone. You don’t have to be super intuitive to use them. It’s like going to the intuition gym. When you work with the cards, you will exercise that muscle, and you’ll start surprising yourself. So just do it. Jump in. It’s wisdom of the Oracle.

Melinda: Well, thank you for listening to this episode of Just Between Coaches, and a big, heartfelt thank you to Colette for this incredible conversation and experience. You can find out more about her at That’s Colette. C-O-L-E-T-T-E Baron B-A-R-O-N Reid R-E-I-D dot com. And in the show notes, you’ll find links to her website, her beautiful card decks, bestselling books, other resources. You’ll find all that in the show notes. Colette, thank you so much for coming to the show.

Colette: Thank you.

Melinda: I’m Melinda Cohan, and you’ve been listening to Just Between Coaches. Just Between Coaches is part of the Mirasee FM podcast network, which also includes such shows as Once Upon a Business and Making It. To catch the great episodes on Just Between Coaches. Please follow us on Mirasee FM’s YouTube channel or your favorite podcast player. And if you enjoyed the show, please leave us a comment or a starred review. It’s the best way to help us get these ideas to more people. Thank you and see you next time.