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Unlock Your Best Music Performance (ft. Mark Morley-Fletcher)

  • Episode #5

Episode summary: Believe it or not, many highly skilled musicians suffer from performance anxiety. Or they can play well in practice but fall short of their potential when they play for others. This was the problem that Mark Morley-Fletcher set out to solve for himself and, in the process, developed a hugely popular, successful, and innovative course that any course creator can learn from as well.

In this episode, hosts Danny Iny and Abe Crystal interview Mark about his course “Unlock Your Performance.” Mark’s course combines elements of evergreen and boot camp to create a seamless hybrid with 1,000 students and counting.
In this episode we discuss:

  • The background and the frustration of not being able to play as well in performance as in practice.
  • The biggest challenge in making the course successful.
  • The content of the course and its unique hybrid structure.
  • Creating a forum and community that provides a safe place to share and perform. 
  • Danny’s and Abe’s debrief after the interview.

“Because the biggest challenge, I think, for a lot of course creators, is people will often find ways not to do things. It’s really easy to kind of get excited about going through the material and then not do the hard stuff of putting it into practice.”

Mark Morley-Fletcher

Guest bio: Mark Morley-Fletcher is a jazz guitarist and educator who specializes in training the frequently overlooked skills and mindsets that are a huge part of rapid improvement and outstanding performances. He is particularly interested in how musicians can benefit from techniques used by peak performers in sport and other fields to perform more consistently and enjoyably. He has helped over a thousand musicians at all levels and across all instruments reach new heights through his courses on Performance Psychology and Effective Practice.

Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:


  • Guest – Mark Morley-Fletcher
  • Hosts – Danny Iny & Abe Crystal 
  • Producer – Cynthia Lamb 
  • Executive producer – Danny Iny
  • Writer – Michi Lantz and Cynthia Lamb 
  • Assembled by – Geoff Govertsen
  • Audio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher Martin
  • Audio Post Production by Post Office Sound
  • Music soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely

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Music and SFX credits: 


Course Lab

Ever wondered how online courses could be even better? What would that next level look like? Those are the questions driving online course experts Ari Iny (Vice President of Growth at Mirasee) and Abe Crystal (co-founder of Ruzuku) in Course Lab. In each episode, they bring on an innovative course creator and deconstruct what makes their course (and course business) work for them and their students.