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Transformation Power (Lisa Bloom)

  • Episode #47

In this episode, Danny and Abe talk to Lisa Bloom about her impressive new course, Story Power. Lisa’s unique hybrid design blends a number of effective methods other course creators can adopt to maximize transformational outcomes for their own students.

Lisa Bloom runs a business called Story Coach and helps entrepreneurs, business owners & leaders attract & impact ideal clients and grow their business.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why you absolutely can teach abstract topics in an online course.
  • Integrating a highly multifaceted course structure.
  • Lending value and credibility to your course through accreditation.
  • Using demonstration methods in your course curriculum. 
  • Using special sessions, peer interaction and journaling in your course.
  • Using a hybrid format and building in a flipped classroom.
“The course includes a lot of different aspects that are going to deepen the learning so that people get to do the work first for themselves and then learn how to do it for others. The combination of all the different aspects is incredibly effective.”

Lisa Bloom

Lisa Bloom is a storyteller, author and coach who’s passionate about the art and business of storytelling. She runs a business called Story Coach and helps entrepreneurs, business owners & leaders attract & impact ideal clients and grow their business.

After traveling the world and working a variety of jobs, Lisa settled down and created her business: story coaching, developing transformational story leaders & delivering global conference keynotes and workshops. She is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program.

There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner & their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read and share stories!

Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:
Lisa’s website

Guest: Lisa Bloom
Hosts: Danny Iny & Abe Crystal 
Producer: Cynthia Lamb 
Executive producer: Danny Iny
Assembled by: Geoff Govertsen
Audio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher Martin
Audio Post Production: Post Office Sound
Music soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely
Making our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio

If you don’t want to miss future episodes of Course Lab, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you’re listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It’s the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.

Music and SFX credits: 
Track Title: Bossa BB
Artist Name(s): Marie
Writer Name: Chelsea McGough

Track Title: Grace
Artist Name(s): Shimmer
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

Track Title: Carousel Lights
Artist Name(s): Chelsea McGough
Writer Name: Chelsea McGough
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

Track Title: Coo Coos
Artist Name(s): Dresden, The Flaming
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton


Course Lab

Ever wondered how online courses could be even better? What would that next level look like? Those are the questions driving online course experts Ari Iny (Growth Manager of Mirasee) and Abe Crystal (co-founder of Ruzuku) in Course Lab. In each episode, they bring on an innovative course creator and deconstruct what makes their course (and course business) work for them and their students.