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How to Fire a Client (Robbie Samuels)

  • Episode #9

Episode summary: Firing a client certainly isn’t easy, and many coaches hope they’ll never end up in this situation. But in some cases, letting go of a client is necessary and for the best — for both of you. Newer coaches and even some established ones really dread this conversation, but it doesn’t have to be as scary as you might think. 

In this episode, Melinda goes deep into the sensitive and hard subject of firing clients with Robbie Samuels, a well-known Business Growth Strategist and coach. They discuss some valid reasons for firing a client and why coaches should let go of a third of their clients. 

You’ll learn all the warning signs that a coaching relationship just isn’t working, what to do in this situation, and how a well-designed enrollment process can help you weed out potential clients who aren’t a good fit for your coaching business.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Should you fire a third of your clients, as a rule of thumb? 
  • Why a six-month contract is helpful when you want to let go of a client. 
  • How do you actually go through firing clients?
  • How Nonviolent Communication, NVC, and its four parts can be helpful when having a difficult conversation.
  • How you can continue to be of service even though your client isn’t your client anymore.
  • The importance of proper enrollment.

Paying for a coach does not improve your business or your life. It’s about doing the work.”

Robbie Samuels

Guest Bio: Robbie Samuels is a keynote speaker, TEDx speaker, and relationship-based business strategy coach. He’s all about community-building, thoughtful virtual event design, relationship-based business growth strategies, and anything about how to bring people together to create connections. If these topics resonate with you, too, you should definitely connect with him!

In 2020, Robbie reinvented his business from shuttered to six figures in eight months and now shares his business success story whenever he can. Want to be a success story, too? You’re in luck, because he offers private coaching and runs masterminds for online entrepreneurs like yourself!

Robbie writes for Harvard Business Review, and has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, HBR, and Inc. – and he was recognized as an “industry expert in the field of digital event design” by JDC Events. He’s also been recognized as a “networking expert” by Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Lifehacker, and Inc.

He is an openly transgender man with a passion for racial equity and social justice.

Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:


  • Guest – Robbie Samuels
  • Host – Melinda Cohan
  • Producer – Cynthia Lamb 
  • Executive producer – Danny Iny
  • Writer – Melinda Cohan and Cynthia Lamb
  • Assembled by – Geoff Govertsen
  • Audio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher Martin
  • Audio Post Production by Post Office Sound
  • Music soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely

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Just Between Coaches

This show is like Oprah’s couch, where conversations cut straight to the heart of the topic, but... it’s only for coaches! Melinda Cohan of the Coaches Console explores the tough questions coaches face on a regular basis. With a new guest host each episode, Melinda provides tactical advice and strategies to address issues like “How do I deal with price resistance?” and “Should I fire my client?”

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