25+ Amazing Copywriting Portfolio Examples to Inspire Your Own
Willy Wood
If you’re an aspiring copywriter trying to figure out the best way to put together your copywriting website to showcase your work and land more clients, I can’t think of a better approach than to analyze what successful copywriters are already doing on some of the best copywriter websites out there.
After all, it doesn’t make sense to reinvent the wheel when so many people have already traveled this road and endured all the trial and error for you, right?
In this post, I’ll share 25+ of the best copywriting portfolio examples I’ve found. Consider this your chance to short-cut your learning curve significantly. 😀
Ready? Let’s dig in!
Copywriting Portfolio Examples
Examples of Home Pages:
Let’s start by looking at the Home pages of a number of copywriters’ sites.
The Home page may be the place where all the basic information about the business is found, with links to other pages, including a separate Portfolio page. Or the copywriter might use their portfolio as their Home page. Neither way is correct or better than the other.
It comes down to whether you want to feature your work front and center or if you want a site visitor to get a first impression of your overall business before checking out examples of your work.
Following are some excellent examples of Home pages of both types.
I encourage you to take notes as you check out these sites. I’m sure you’re going to get a ton of great ideas!
Portfolio Example 1
Let’s start with an excellent overall Home page, that of Portland-based website copywriter Kelsey O’Halloran.

My first impression of Kelsey’s site was just how visually attractive it is. The green/tan/gold color palette is consistent throughout. The photos are professional and show Kelsey (always smiling) in a variety of relaxed poses. The combination gives the impression of friendly competence.
The territory above the fold on her Home page accomplishes a great deal with few words. There’s a navigation bar across the top that allows you to access her About, Services, Portfolio, and Contact pages with a click.
Her headline and sub-headline tell you her areas of focus and identify her ideal clients.
Below the fold, we find several sections that tell you more about what she does and that serve to heighten her credibility. These include:
- Links to her main two service categories—website copywriting and brand messaging—as well as a link to her Website Copy Academy, where she sells a course on writing Home pages.
- A couple of testimonials that praise not only the quality of Kelsey’s work but also how delightful it is to work with her.
- A short bio blurb with a link to her About page to learn more.
- A call to action to schedule a copy call.

All in all, this is an excellent model for any copywriter looking to create a professional website for their business.
Portfolio Example 2
OK, if you’re an aspiring copywriter just getting started in your business, I want you to take a deep breath before looking at this one.
Carline Anglade-Cole is an award-winning veteran copywriter (primarily on alternative health topics) who is considered one of the best in the business. I’m including her site here to show you some of the possibilities available to you if you stay in the business for a number of years. Of course, no one is expecting you to get to this point right away.
With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s take a look at how Carline constructs her Home page.

Almost the entire Home page is about Carline’s credibility and positioning as a top-flight copywriter.
From top to bottom, here are the proof elements you’ll see:
- An opt-in form to sign up for her “Million Dollar Copywriting Secrets” email list (which says, without saying it, that her copy has made millions for her clients)
- A long list of podcasts on which she’s been featured
- Mentions of her appearances in the Oprah Magazine and on the Dr. Oz show
- Ads for two of her books
- A video of her accepting the 2015 Copywriter of the Year Award (the “Academy Award” of copywriting) from the American Writers and Artists Institute
- All before she says a word about who she is and what she does.
Maybe that seems like a strange way to structure a Home page, and you certainly can’t do it unless you have all that success to feature. But think about what the site visitor experiences as they go down the page. Each impressive achievement is topped by the next.
By the time they get to the section where Carline introduces herself, they’re already sold. And just in case they aren’t, she follows all of that up with a bunch of impressive testimonials.
Now, you may not have all the books, awards, celebrity appearances, and testimonials that Carline has, but even if you have just a few of these elements, you can pick up some ideas from this site about how to use them to sell your work to your clients.
Portfolio Example 3
I’m showing you this example immediately after the previous one for a reason…because they’re basically opposites.
You can tell right away from her photo that Carly is much younger than Carline Anglade-Cole. And that’s not the only way you can tell.

If you look carefully at the descriptions of each project on her Home page (which doubles as her Portfolio page), you’ll see that most of her samples come from work she did as a Social Media Intern at QVC, as a Social Media Assistant at Style Me Pretty, and as a Public Relations Intern at Hemsworth Communications.

In other words, these samples don’t come from work she’s done as an established freelance copywriter, but rather work done as a part of teams while she was learning the ropes.
The point is, even if you’re just starting out, you can use work samples you’ve created during internships, as free spec work, or even as exercises in copywriting courses you’ve taken to create a portfolio for your site. Pair these with excellent photos and give the site a clean, professional look (as Carly does) and you can compete with much more experienced copywriters.
Portfolio Example 4
And now for something completely different…
Most copywriters’ Home pages feature a decent amount of copy. After all, they ARE writers. But with his website, Washington, D.C.-based copywriter Gari Cruze takes a different tack. Other than “Gari Cruze, Copywriter” and the navigation links at the top of the page, his entire Home page consists of evocative images.

Like Carly Zumar’s site, Gari’s Home page does double duty as his Portfolio page. If you hover your mouse over an image, the client’s name and the type of work pops up (“Slack: Brand Campaign,” “NPR: App Campaign,” “Millstone Coffee: Website” . And when you click on the image, you’re taken to a Case Study page for that project, with samples of the work he did for the client.
Is this image-heavy Home page unique? Yes indeed.
Is it effective? Yes. Yes, it is.
Portfolio Example 5
Visually, this site is the exact opposite of Gari Cruze’s site. Where Gari’s Home page is almost all images, there are virtually no images on Stephen’s site. His tone is no-nonsense. His copy is all business.
I would like to point out two elements that Stephen includes that most copywriters don’t.

First, you’ll notice that not only does he have a Portfolio page, but he also has a button that allows a site visitor to download a PDF version of his portfolio. This is great for people who would like to take the work offline and give it a good read-through.
Second, Stephen has a Blog page where he writes regular articles about copywriting topics. This gives him extra credibility—he not only does copywriting, but he writes about it, as well.
Portfolio Example 6
The main thing that jumps out at you on this site is just its look and feel. Whereas the previous example from Stephen Marsh was bold and austere, The Copy Canary is cute and flirtatious.
The territory above the fold uses a playful pink as the primary color and a cute, gold canary logo above the tagline: “Persuasive writing that sings” (get it?).

That’s not to say that this site is all fun and no business. As you scroll down the page, you’ll find a testimonial, a featured product from her portfolio, an overview of her various services, and a call to action to request a free copy assessment.
Portfolio Example 7
On her Home page, Laura Silcock says that she’s a “copywriter and brand voice consultant.” This puts the focus on her expertise: writing that’s full of voice and personality, as evidenced by her opening blurb:

In fact, the language throughout her site shows you, rather than tells you, that she’s fabulous at what she does.
Like Kelsey O’Halloran’s site, Laura has included all the elements you’d expect from a professional copywriter’s site. From the Navigation bar, you can access her Services pages (“What I Do”), her Portfolio page (“What I’ve Done”), her About Me page, and her Contact Page (“Get in Touch”).
But you don’t have to click away from the Home page to find much of this material. Scrolling down the page, you find:
- A short bio
- A testimonial from a well-known author of copywriting books
- Three examples of her work, and
- A call to action to connect.
Portfolio Example 8
This site is an excellent example of a rather minimalist approach to a writing business that’s much more maximalist than your average copywriting business. Kathryn is both a copywriter and a fiction author (AND she runs a book club, AND a podcast, AND writes a blog), but she has found a way to include all these pursuits in a single website and still make it easy to navigate.
On the left, she provides links to all the relevant pages. You can also access all of these areas by clicking on the colorful tiles that you’ll find as you scroll down the page. You’ll also find links to three sample blog posts, plus a contact form at the bottom of the page.

Strictly concerning copywriting, check out Kat’s copy above the fold, where she explains why she believes she can write both copy and fiction successfully. It’s an excellent example of chock-full-‘o-voice copywriting and predisposes a potential client to hire her to do their copywriting.
Portfolio Example 9
This is another example of a Home page that doubles as a Portfolio page. It’s very clean and very straightforward—no way to get lost here.
Above the fold, Savannah introduces herself as a freelance copywriter, mentions her experience, and gives a call to action to scroll down and check out her work.

Below the fold, you find tiles for the different categories of work she’s done (“Mailers,” “Website Copy,” “Blog Posts,” ) where you can find screenshots of her work and links to the actual web pages.

At the bottom of the page, she pumps up her credibility by posting a few glowing testimonials and logos for the many companies she’s worked with.
All in all, a clean, impressive site.
Portfolio Example 10
OK, I saved this one for my last Home page example because it’s really a MEGA example (the exact opposite of the simple approach shown in the previous example). If you want to know what a fully fleshed-out website for a substantial copywriting business looks like, this is it.
She has all the usual elements…a Services page with packages, a Portfolio, an About page… She also has a blog with excellent articles for DIY business owners who aren’t ready to hire her to do it for them.

But there’s so much MORE here than the usual stuff. Here are a few things you’ll find in addition to all the normal stuff…
- Free copywriting templates,
- Book recommendations,
- A Small Business Starter Kit of software tools,
- A list of the copywriting tools she uses personally, and
- Recommended productivity tools and client-management tools.
Bottom line? This is about as impressive as a copywriter’s website gets. Plus, the language throughout is full of…for lack of a better word…spunk. Read a few pages and you’ll see what I mean.
Examples of About Pages:
OK, we’ve looked at a variety of excellent Home pages, but that’s not the be-all and end-all of a great copywriter site.
As we’ve seen, there are two approaches a copywriter can take for making an excellent first impression on site visitors: (1) use a traditional Home page structure that starts with an attention-getting headline and the copywriter’s value proposition or (2) use their portfolio as their Home page to put their work front and center.
If either approach is successful—meaning, the first impression leaves the site visitor wanting more–usually the next thing they want to do is learn more about the person behind the business. And that’s where the About page comes in.
Again, there’s more than one way to do this. Most copywriters have a separate About page linked on the navigation bar. Others include biographical information somewhere on the Home page. And many offer both a short bio blurb on the Home page with a link to a more detailed About page.
Whichever approach you decide to take, the following examples should give you an abundance of ideas.
Portfolio Example 11
Let’s start with a basic, straightforward example.
This About page is clean and attractive, with the blue and orange brand colors balanced by lots of white space.

What’s unique about this example is that Emily gives you three bios from the top of the page to the bottom.
At the top, you get just a blurb—27 words total. Scroll down and you get the medium-length version: “Short on Time? Here’s 140 Characters or Less…”

And if you want to learn even more, scroll down to find “The Real Bio,” which is three paragraphs. Kind of like a “choose your own adventure” About page approach. Interesting!
Portfolio Example 12
On this About page, you’ll see a completely different approach than the previous example. In fact, Alaina doesn’t write a single paragraph of copy to describe her background and qualifications.
Instead, she opts for giving us two diametrically opposed looks into who she is:
1. First, she gives us a list of “fun facts” about her personal life (I’m here for your Oxford comma choice, Alaina!) alongside a cute photo of her flashing a peace sign.

2. Below that, she goes to the other extreme and provides a “nothing but the facts, ma’am” resume.

For me, the contrast works.
Portfolio Example 13
I chose this About page to highlight another interesting approach. Kayla starts her page with a tagline that reinforces her value proposition from her Home page. She also provides a nice photo, a link to her portfolio, and a call to action to get in touch. All pretty standard…

But then it gets interesting. Instead of going into her bio, Kayla’s next section is titled “A Little About You.” Here, she speaks directly to her ideal client and demonstrates that she understands very well their challenges and why they need a copywriter to take some of the stress off their shoulders.
Only then does she go into a more traditional bio section (“A Little About Me”) where she talks about herself. But even here, she offers a mix of copy about who she is and what she does, balanced by a “fun facts” section about her personal quirks (a la Alaina Thomas—they even share a love for the Oxford comma!).
Portfolio Example 14
In this example, we see yet another approach to the About page. Instead of leading with the usual biographical info, Jacob foregrounds the results he has achieved for his clients, which, in turn, gives him a great deal of credibility in the eyes of anyone looking to hire a copywriter whose work will pay off in cold, hard cash.

Jacob then backs up and tells the story of how he got started in copywriting and how he’s grown his copywriting business.
But he doesn’t stop there. Toward the end of the page, we find out that he has also built an education company that provides online copywriting training. The fact that he’s not only a six-figure copywriter himself, but also that he teaches others how to become more successful in the field only adds to his credibility.
(By the way, the half-face black and white sketch in place of the traditional headshot is pretty cool, too.)
Portfolio Example 15
Remember Gari? We talked about his unique Home page earlier. Well, he serves up a little more uniqueness with his About page (actually pages, plural).
First, we have his About page, where he blends a self-effacing stance (“The Full Blah Blah Blah”) with a witty voice (where words and marketing ideas meet on the corner and dance a little jig) and where he “name drops” a truly impressive list of clients.

All of that would be enough to include him in our list of excellent examples, but then he takes it to the next level by including, in essence, a second About page called “17 Random Things” that provides us with a list of personal facts, opinions, and…let’s just call them “quirks.” (He almost lost me at “Go Yankees” but his love of David Bowie saved the day.)
Portfolio Example 16
Finally, we have James’s About page. At the top, he has a nice photo (but hover your mouse over it for a laugh) and a fairly standard section explaining who he is and what he does. The unique angle here is that he stresses his acting and filmmaking experience and how that background allows him to do a better job than most copywriters at understanding audiences and how to reach them emotionally.

But the main reason I included this About page in my list is the “Meet the VIBE Team” photo gallery below the fold. Here we find eight head shots of James in varied clothing and a variety of wigs, posing as different people in the company. It’s the coolest way to say “I wear all the hats in this business” that I’ve seen!

Examples of the Actual Portfolio Page:
Now that we’ve looked at some great Home pages and About pages, let’s check out a number of different approaches for the Portfolio page itself (when the Portfolio page is separate from the Home page).
Portfolio Example 17
I will admit to not being a fan of the dark brown header on this Portfolio page, but once I scrolled down to the “Copy Library” section of the page, I was very impressed by the look of the portfolio examples.
There’s a very nice visual balance to each example—an image, a screenshot of some of the copy, and a little blurb of text describing the project, with a button to click through to a Case Study page where you can see all the deliverables.

Portfolio Example 18
Once again, I’m not crazy about the top of this page, as so much of the important above the fold territory is taken up by a header image that’s pretty generic and the boring headline, “Portfolio”.
Once you scroll down, however, you see an interesting three-column approach to listing the various copy projects. A screenshot of each project is shown on a mock-up of a computer screen, with the type of project listed below and a button to “Visit the Website.”

Unfortunately, if you click on the buttons, they take you away from her website rather than opening in another tab—not a good practice.
Portfolio Example 19
Again, I’m not a fan of the overall look of this page (sensing a theme here?). The background color changing as you scroll from project to project is distracting, not visually attractive, and doesn’t allow for consistent branding.
That said, there are a couple of things I like about this page. While Anna uses thumbnails of web pages as in the previous example (minus the computer framing), here she adds a couple of nice touches. For one, when you hover over the image, the page scrolls inside the frame, so you can see a mini version of the entire page if you like. Pretty cool.

In addition, instead of having buttons that take you away from her site, Anna’s buttons say “View Full Sales Page (PDF).” If you click on the button, you get the case study of the project in PDF form that you can read on screen or print to read off screen. Nice!
Portfolio Example 20
What I like about this page: the layout of the copy block next to each project’s screenshot starts with a few words from a testimonial, followed by concise info in a What? Who? Why? Format.

What I don’t like so much: if you click on the projects, you’re taken away from the site instead of having the case study open in another tab. Again, no bueno.
Portfolio Example 21
Andy Barton is a writer and musician from Georgia who does content and copywriting primarily for and about bands. I wanted to show you his portfolio page(s), as it takes an approach different from those above.
Instead of giving a short blurb about his projects, then linking to Case Study pages on or off his site, he creates category pages (“Features,” “Reviews,” “Band Bios”) and includes full writing samples from each category.

Case Studies Inside the Copywriter Portfolio:
The goal of a copywriter’s Portfolio page is to get the site visitor to click through to more expansive samples of the writer’s work. Assuming it does its job, the visitor lands on a Case Study page/work sample.
Of course, the quality of the work on these Case Study pages is the main thing that will convince the visitor to hire you (or not). But that doesn’t mean that how your Case Study pages are constructed doesn’t play a role. Of course it does. If the pages are attractive and engaging, that at least allows you to get your foot in the door.
Following are various ways to put your Case Study pages together.
Portfolio Example 22
Copywriter, Selena Hill; Project: Yum Bum Undies
I love the clean format of Selena Hill’s Case Study pages. She presents the basics of each project in a Client > Brief > Solution > Copywriting Services > Client Website format that gives a solid overview of the project without bogging the reader down too much.
She then provides a screenshot of one page from the client’s website with a link to the website—that opens in a new tab, so her site is still open in your browser (yay!).
And at the bottom of each Case Study page, there’s a call to action (with unique language that changes to match the client on that page—very cool).

Portfolio Example 23
Copywriter, Sara Frandina; Project: The Movement
Another clean, easy to read format. Similar to the previous example, this Case Study gives the basics of the project first and a thumbnail of the webpage (that you can actually scroll).

But what I like about this page is that it also provides results in the form of conversion rate stats, as well as a very nice testimonial from the client. Like the previous example, the Case Study ends with a call to action to “Get Started.”
Portfolio Example 24
Copywriter, John Axtell; Project: Disney Magic Moments
Looking for a really impressive Case Study page? You’ve found it!
John was hired by Disney (impressive in itself) to create a bunch of content to push out to their fans during the COVID pandemic when the parks had to be shuttered.
On the page, you’ll find YouTube videos for which John wrote the scripts, Instagram Stories surveys the results of which he used to script another video, links to blog posts, interviews with Disney Imagineers, and a variety of social media content.

I’ll say it again: impressive! The only thing missing is a call to action to contact John. To do that, you have to go back to the top of the page and hit the “About Me/Contact” link.
Portfolio Example 25
Copywriter, Anna Rogan; Project: Sister Scout Headshot Photography (PDF)
Remember Anna from Example 19? In that example, I said that one of the things I liked about her approach was that the buttons on her Portfolio page took you to a PDF of each project. The link above takes you to an example of one of her PDFs.
This is a website writing project and you can see the entire Home page in the PDF (just a piece of it shown here). Some people like to print out hard copies of work to hold up next to each other when making decisions on hiring a freelancer. This approach gives them that option.

Portfolio Example 26
Copywriter, Dave Harland; Project: Expo 2020 Dubai
For my final example, I’ll share a Case Study of a long-term project (several years). Dave was hired as a copywriter to work alongside Dubai digital agency Create Media Group to promote the World Expo 2020 to be held in Dubai.
He wrote video scripts for hundreds of short videos and hundreds of social media posts to promote the Expo. He gives many examples of his work on this page (just a couple shown here).

Time to Create Your Own Amazing Copywriting Portfolio
So there you have it—25+ examples of copywriting portfolios that can serve as models for your own copywriter website.
Study these examples. Take special note of the features that grab you and resonate with your sensibility. Then take action to create a site that combines the best of those features with your own style and personality.
This helps you build credibility in the eyes of potential employers. Several companies also prefer to use a copywriting test to identify top talent.
Who knows? The next time someone writes an article about examples of amazing copywriting portfolios, maybe they’ll use YOUR site as an example.
Good luck!
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