Buck Rizvi Reimagines the Health Supplement Industry
Audra Casino
In the health supplement industry, you probably aren’t looking for shining examples of ethical online marketing. From cheap, ineffective ingredients to highly questionable messaging practices, it can be the worst of the worst.
Except for Buck Rizvi. Buck has what he calls the ‘grandmother test.’ If he wouldn’t give one of his supplements to his mother or grandmother, or would market to them in a certain way, then his company, RealDose Nutrition, isn’t allowed to do it either. And in addition to Buck’s ethical marketing and product creation, he’s also got some powerful advice for entrepreneurs and members of his Health Profits Academy: ABL. Always Be Learning.
- At 2:00 – Buck recalls the revelation he had while working for a Fortune 500 company, and the knowledge that shaped his future.
- At 6:00 – Buck talks about the mentality it took to launch and grow his supplement company to millions of dollars.
- At 9:00 – While much of the online supplement industry is ‘scuzzy,’ Buck does things differently, and the simple litmus test for whether or not he creates a product, and how he markets it.
- At 16:00 – Buck compares the supplement market to the fall of Chrysler’s PT Cruiser, and how sub-par ingredients don’t do the same thing for your body that the same quality ingredients do.
- 18:00 – If you remember nothing else, Buck wants you to remember this: ABL. Always Be Learning. If you have a business and don’t do this, you don’t deserve to have a business.