Lift Contest
Get Set for LIFT:
WIN Private Coaching
WIN Private Coaching
Cast your votes to help choose our winner… (it could be you!)
Hey there,
Danny Iny here, and I’m THRILLED that we’re getting ready to meet up in San Diego for our transformational LIFT training experience!
To give you a little extra treat before the event, we’re running an exclusive prize contest that’s open to LIFTers only.
One special contest winner will get a private 1-on-1 coaching and consulting call with Andy Thompson, our ACES program leader and course building specialist.
Andy is a respected business strategist, marketing consultant, copywriter, joint venture broker and sought-after industry insider in his own right as well as a member of the Mirasee team. (His nickname is “The Implementation Beast” because he’s all about meaningful action!)
If you win this contest, you’ll get on a private call with Andy to talk about your business, your goals and your challenges. You’ll gain clarity on what you need to focus on in order to grow your business, and you’ll be even more ready to make the most of our time together at LIFT in June. :-).
The winner will be announced on Wednesday April 26, and entering into the contest is pretty straightforward – it should only take a few minutes.
All you have to do is answer ONE simple question.
In the comments section at the bottom of this page, tell me…
“What are you most looking forward to at LIFT?”
As well as submitting your own answer, you can tell me what other entries you like the most by clicking the hearts to the left of each entry to “upvote” your favorites.
On April 26, I’m going to award a winner based on the number of upvotes each answer receives from your fellow LIFTers. So please upvote your favorites – every vote helps the LIFT community choose its winner!
I’m really excited to read your entry and hear what you have to say…
Good luck!
Congratulations Ellen!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest 🙂
I hope you had fun entering the contest and reading the other contestants’ comments.
I also hope you’ll take a moment to join me in congratulating Ellen!
Meet the whole team and Danny and all my fellow entrepreneurs 🙂 It’s all about LIFTing each other up right!
Farida Dahee
I want to LIFT my Spirit of entrepreneurship
I want to LIFT my Future to become financially free
I want to LIFT my Network to become a global player
I want to LIFT my Marketing skills to become an expert
I want to LIFT my Life to become a successful online course creator
I want to LIFT my Knowledge & Expertise by learning from the world’s best.
I want to LIFT my Growth prospects 10x
L- Life changing
I- Intriguing
F- Fun filled
T- Time
Is what I look forward to 🙂
karim Morato
I Left my Spanish teaching job last year after 16 years. I left believing I will be able to make it by creating my own Spanish courses . when I made the decision to leave my job I did it dermine not to look back. I told myself I was going to find the best program, the best person that teaches how to make courses and sell courses in a ethical way. I stumbled on Danny’s website by accident… Well maybe was not an accident it was destiny!
For me still sounds like a dream that I am going to a live event! What are my expectations…
– I want to recharge and be inspired, I have been working day and night for the last year to make this work.
-I want to reafirm and expand my vision, and leave any ounce of fear and doubt that is still in me on the event.
-I want to do networking with other professionals, meet my mentor!! and why not say it… meet Danny Iny if possible.
– I want to eat good food… I am want to taste good tacos!
– I want to meet my friend Rebecca Tervo for the first time face to face!
Hasta pronto!!
Doug Beecher
Online learning is a wonderful thing. We can do it on our own schedule, and at our own pace, almost anywhere. Many online teachers are wonderful, but the Mirasee team really does take it to the next level. Having said all of that, there is still something very special about in person, human interaction. And setting everything else aside for 3 days to get it. I’m very much looking forward to the energy we will generate and share with each other, for the new friends I hope to make, and for lots and lots of A-HA moments where it all comes together for me. Because so far, I intuitively get from the courses what to do, but I need it to all come together to LIFT me to the next level. I’m hoping for all of that, and I believe we will work together and get it.
PS – I’m a daily walker. I do 3-4 miles in an hour and change. It’s a great way to relax, exercise, and have enlightening conversations. I’m hoping to find some beautiful places to walk while at LIFT, and some new friends who would like to walk and talk with me!
Marina Darlow
Mostly? Learning to market my class in an authentic, and effective way.
Trish Stuart
I think people here have pretty much summed it up. Relationships and forward momentum.
I’m looking forward to meeting both the coaching team and the students in person…I make connections best that way. I want to meet and become a part of a small, core mastermind group, as an adjunct to the FB & coaching group. I finally have narrowed my vision of what I want to achieve down to a clear objective and am ready to get moving with the outline provided but it will be great to have tried to work through this first and arrive with specific questions and areas that I believe can be addressed at LIFT. Also, the energy at events like this is so empowering. I look forward to the boost I can receive as well as the boost I can be a part of giving. Really looking forward to meeting everyone and immersion in the system.
David Begin
I’m looking forward to meeting everyone and learning from like minded people. I want to crystallize my strategy for developing and delivering online courses. Can’t wait to meet everyone.
Karen W
Simply put, I am hoping to come away with a clear picture, a step by step plan, of what I need to do (in tasks, in coaching, in financial outlay) to replace my current income as a nurse and be a full time online teacher/consultant who can improve the quality of care and support provided to young people with emerging mental illness. Looking forward to meeting and learning from everyone!
Val Rasmussen
I look forward to increasing my competence and my commitment at Lift. I know that I am committed to my business which means that I also get to develop my skill level in order to maximize my performance and my commitment. I also look forward to meeting others in this industry and glean their success secrets and strategies. I am looking forward to “meeting my community”.
For me it is that classic – “time to work on my business instead of in my business” – and the fresh ideas I expect will come from surrounding myself from entrepreneurs serving different sectors of the marketplace.
Kay Adams
I’ve built a business, and a life made by hand, for 32 years of bushwhacking solopreneurism. As a result, I have become successful in my field and am considered a thought leader and voice in the movement. I have been more focused on doing the work than making the money, and so I have learned to live simply.
Now I am approaching decisions about retirement — I will be 66 by the time we meet — and I am finally ready to collect the big bucks.
I never considered it sacrifice to live modestly because given the choice of doing the work and making actual money, it was a no-brainer. Frankly, I’m not that interested in money. Its function in my life has been to keep the bills paid so I can keep doing the work. As you might imagine, that has resulted in exactly as much money as I needed to keep the bills paid. That trade-off worked for as long as I needed it, but I’ve now outgrown it by a bunch and I’m ready to leverage a career’s worth of content and point it toward its target audence.
I “met” Danny and the Mirasee (then Firepole) bunch in early 2013, when I was in start-up phases of creating subscription membership site. I took the Audience Building Class, but I didn’t finish it. Had I finished it, I probably would have launched a more financially successful site. My most significant learning in that first encounter with Danny & Firepole was the role modeling, in real time, of how to do it right. He’s a great exemplar of authenticity, transparency, and showing-not-telling.
What I want to take away from LIFT is a sense of clarity about how to monetize my outstanding resume and somewhat-fame and create some wealth for my retirement.
What I bring to LIFT is also another thing I want to take away. I am looking forward to a vibrant, energetic, upbeat, blow-the-roof-off gathering of monumental folks who are each on fire with their own unique vision, which becomes a shared vision. And that is what I bring to LIFT: I’m one of them. I’m one of you. I’m one of us.
Thanks, Danny, for gathering us.
Tina Shafer
Well said! I feel like you pulled “your story” directly from my heart. I’m with you, it’s time to step into the financially secure side of business. Can’t wait to meet you at LIFT! 🙂
Hi Kay, Thank you for sharing your honest and emotive story. I can’t wait to meet you.
Larissa Popov
I look forward to being in the presences of like-minded people, coming together with common goals and aspirations and getting specific guidance on what steps to take to make the business grow.
As soon as I saw the LIFT email, I knew I just HAD TO BE THERE!! I have never felt SO SURE about this decision! It just FELT RIGHT.
What I am looking forward to is the WHOLE EXPERIENCE of learning, meeting other amazing like minded people who are also wanting to learn and grow themselves and their business, meeting the Mirasee team ( YOUR SUPPORT HAS BEEN AMAZING!) and hanging out in a nice environment. I very much look forward to the outcome of the three days – walking away having “LIFTED” my thoughts and ideas for the Online Course thus ensuring its success! Sooooo excited and looking forward to it. A definite highlight in my year.
Ellen Goldman
What am I most looking forward to? It’s impossible just to pick one!
I can’t wait to be surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs, pushing up our sleeves to work together and learn from our amazing mentor, Danny, and his team.
I am so looking forward to learning how to LIFT myself out of the rabbit holes I keep going down. I have been “playing” at putting together online courses since 2014, and the time is now to LIFT up and get it done!
And I am looking forward to meeting new friends, future colleagues, and affiliates; LIFTing each other to grow and prosper while having a whole lot of fun playing in the beautiful CA sunshine.
Tina Shafer
I could not agree more Ellen! I’m tired of “playing at” putting together online courses too. I am MORE than ready to get er done! Can’t wait to meet at LIFT.
Ellen Goldman
Looking forward to meeting you and all the others as well! The camaraderie of working together should help all of us break through challenges and begin seeing the progress we are seeking.
Trish Stuart
Wow, Ellen, I totally agree. I am looking forward to meeting you soon!
Doug Beecher
Congrats, Ellen, for saying it so well for all of us! Look forward to meeting you and learning from and with you!
Congrats Ellen ? looking forward to meeting you soon.
Woohoo! Congrats Ellen! 🙂
Annie Oortman
Congratulations, girl! Can’t wait to meet you and everyone else in June!
wendy bertagnole
I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to be with and learn from other people in my same boat. As an online entrepreneur I find it to be a bit isolating from the people who are physically around me, as none of them are in the online space. Growing a presence and a business online is very unique and comes with it’s own sets of challenges and benefits. People at LIFT will understand those.
While we are together at LIFT I hope to gain and give encouragement, insight, support, and a little dose of “I get it.” I’ll take all that to help me grow and change in my business until the next time I can meet in person with others in my same boat.
Thank you for organizing this event Danny!
I’ve often heard the greatest indicator of a person’s success is whether they surround themselves with successful people. Since I work independently from home (read: “in isolation”), I struggle with my own fears, doubts, and efforts to establish momentum. I am looking forward to immersing myself in a success-oriented and active group of people to give me not only a boost but a mental paradigm shift that can keep me going. I also love to encourage others to succeed and develop and express their expertise. So I’m hoping to discover that others find I have something to offer that gives them a boost as well. That would make my day.
Tina Shafer
It sounds like we have a lot in common Marylyn. I work from home and spend the majority of my time alone as well. I am really looking forward to connecting with some others that understand the struggle and are ready to bond together and LIFT each other up. Can’t wait to meet you!
Trish Stuart
Tina, I am looking forward to meeting you and Marylyn at LIFT! I think the nature of the beast (creating online courses) is that we are fairly isolated. I don’t think we get much done without that but at the same time I need the relationship with other people, face to face, too. It will be so nice to meet others like you!
Hi Trish, Yes, it’s always the question of balance between the necessary, isolated work and the stimulus of interaction. Maybe we can put our heads together on how to create the ideal balance.
Hi Tina, I’m looking forward to meeting you, too! I think we’ll have plenty to bond about.
Jason Ryer
I’m most looking forward to meeting other people.
And I’m looking for a ride to the event from Los Angeles. I live in Marina del Rey near LAX. I’m happy to pay for gas!
Dan Thomas
How to build a course with powerful intrinsic (as opposed to extrinsic) rewards so that the participants are positively compelled to complete it.
The research on online courses is fairly clear. Only 3 to 6% of students who take an online course complete it. 40% of people who PAY for an online course never take the first lesson. As one researcher in the area told me, “There are only three problems with online education. It’s lonely, it’s boring. and it takes a long time to get a cookie.” There has to be a better way. If anyone knows what it is, it should be you, Danny, and your team. Please enlighten us!
Amy Torres
After giving big, warm hugs to people I’ve only spoken to virtually, I have two main goals:
(1) To compose a crystal clear elevator pitch. I’m my brand, but what’s my tagline? (2) To form mutually beneficial friendships and alliances with influencers and possible joint venture partners so my business can take off, LIFT and scale! I’ve proven to myself I can launch a pilot … but will it scale and actually earn me a living?
Martin Williams
I’m flying over from the UK, landing a few days early, hiring a Harley Davidson in LA and riding over to Las Vegas, before heading to Rancho Bernado for what I hope will be 3 extraordinary training days.
Of course, in my first visit to the West Coast, and to Las Vegas, riding a motorcycle for 2 days will be a drag. I’ll be mostly looking forward to sitting on a more comfortable seat in an environment hopefully cooler than the inside of a helmet in the June heat!
After that, the thing I’m most looking forward to is spending time with other eager entrepreneurs and learning a ton of actionable stuff!
Tina Shafer
What am I most looking forward to at LIFT…hmmm. I’m attending LIFT for many reasons so it’s difficult to pin point what I’m most looking forward to, but I’ll give it a go!
First, I can’t WAIT to meet Danny, my coach Lizzie, and the team. Those are just a given. The one person I’m most curious to meet is Bhoomi! Why? Well as the saying goes, behind every successful man is a great woman. I’m looking forward to getting to know her and hear her story on how she supports Danny, plus her role in the business. Plus, I’m excited to meet the other attendees, hear what you are doing and how we can support each other. I love meeting new people and brainstorming together.
I signed up for the CBLab’s program KNOWING this is exactly what I needed right now to build my business and coming to LIFT was just the no brainer bonus (Plus I get a vacation in California!). I’ve watched Danny’s success over the years and love seeing what others have created by following the steps and I want the confidence of knowing I can have that success too.
I need confirmation that my ideas of building a successful business with online courses is valid and real and possible. I would love to turn my ideas into plans and walk away with a 2 to 3 year strategy of where I’m going and the map to get there. I don’t know if that’s possible but I am hopeful.
Lastly, what I’m most looking for by the end of LIFT is to see a nod of encouragement in the eyes of the one person that matters most to me: my husband. He is coming to LIFT and yet he has nothing invested in online courses except his faith in me (maybe I can turn him into a Bhoomi!). I want him to meet all of you and hear your stories so he can understand the passion I have for what I am doing. So when you see him (Steve Shafer) please say hi!
I look forward to seeing everyone soar in their minds and hearts, by learning how we can make a greater impact in the world through our businesses.
I also wouldn’t mind swimming in that gorgeous pool I saw on the resort’s website ?
Sahaj Durnin
What I am looking most forward to at LIFT is to meet YOU there. Yeah you. ?
Are you like me?
You see, I really really love being an entrepreneur. I tried it once for about 5 years. I built my own massage therapy clinic where we had yoga classes, and a couple of other therapists. I LOVED serving others, until I burned out. Then it became a challenge to give massage after massage. (Around that time I read ‘The E-Myth’ that said ‘if you are an entrepreneur and you run a service based business, and you are the main service, it’s only a matter of time before you will burn out.’ Wow, I could really relate to that, but did not know what to do about it). After that, I worked with a really great coach but just didn’t have the capital to build the clinic the way that it needed to be built to support me financially the way I wanted….
Feeling like I was never going to live one of my biggest dreams of moving south, I decided on a whim to sell everything and moved to Costa Rica. Since I love teaching, I thought I could build a teaching biz there at local health spas (I was really done with massage). That was taking longer to build than I could afford AND I really missed my friends and community here. (You might think the beach would trumph all of that great stuff, but it turns out that friends and family trumped all, so I moved back home to Ottawa).
Fast forward 7 years. I have now trained and worked as an HR Manager for a local health food chain, and although there have been many inspiring moments here, I am feeling disillusioned by the mindset of the leadership within the company. We had so many great ideas about how to uplift our staff, pay them fairer wages, inspire them to want to work with us, etc. but in the end, ownership didn’t have the same vision that I had.
My vision is of a socially conscious company(ies) building empires that serve people in meaningful, uplifting ways that help them to live joyful, and more deeply fulfilling lives.
It is a blessing in disguise that I became disillusioned because this ‘wanting more’ drove me to finding Mirasee and getting serious about growing my own successful online biz (
I am super inspired in building this new business, yet some days I find myself a little lonely trying to figure many of the intricacies out. I hear one day about building an audience being the most important thing to do, and then I hear about creating yourself as an expert so that you can guest blog, and then…I’ve been reading like a fiend for a year (all of Mirasee’s posts have been great, and super helpful, and the CBL has been instrumental), and yet I feel like I’m still not getting the traction I need (which is my own doing btw). My coach, Hannah, has been helping me focus more as I find that I get really excited about different things and have been getting sidetracked enough that I haven’t gotten lots of traction in any one area.
Thank goodness for perseverance and remembering my dreams! I want to travel much more and live in warm places (but I will come back to visit friends and family), and I really really want to serve women and help them with lifestyle changes that will help them move through life transitions with more ease and inner peace. I want to help others in areas that I have struggled. I want to build something that allows me to meditate more and live a more balanced lifestyle. And when the time comes, I want to die feeling like I have lived fully, and have done something meaningful with my life in ways that have uplifted others in their lives.
And yes, I want to go to LIFT to meet with others, like YOU, who might be feeling like they just need to talk through their ideas and dreams, what has worked and what has not worked with building their courses, etc. I just want to sit with others that don’t feel like it’s crazy to quit their day job, and who know that it’s possible to build something bigger, and who have done it already, or who may be having struggles where I might have mastered. I want to go to LIFT to meet YOU and others like YOU and simply connect with YOU so that we can help each other succeed. Because in the end, isn’t it the connections and the contact with others that truly inspires us to be the best we can be? I think so, and that’s why I want to go to LIFT to meet YOU and to hear your story.
Heidi Modrovich
I am so looking forward to being in the same room with mentors who have done what I want to do. I find the hardest part is to keep believing it is possible and finding those that have already done it keeps it real for me. We are all just on a different stage of our journey. Speaking of which I’m also looking forward to making new connections from people that are at my stage of the journey. I don’t believe succcess is a solo effort. Each of us take inspiration from those we meet and we create new ideas just by being with each other. Can’t wait to tap into the energy of the event!!
Annie Oortman
I’m new to this, so I’m looking forward to networking with others and learning pointers. I’d also like to see if I can partner with others in promoting our courses.