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Get How to Quit Your Job

Book Version

This third book in Mirasee’s Business Reimagined series will teach you how to intelligently get out of a job you hate (or just don’t love) and transition smoothly into a life with more freedom, money, and fulfillment. With a simple-but-powerful five-step plan and a collection of real-life stories of people who sought their dream jobs by leaving unsatisfying careers, How To Quit Your Job provides everything you need to prepare for your grand exit. We’ll get you out of the rut you’re in, help you focus on what you want to do, and lead you right up to quitting day. From there, you’ll be ready to fly.

Online Course

How to Quit Your Job – The Right Way for Udemy is an interactive video-based course. Jim Hopkinson, Mirasee’s Director of Courses, walks you through the simple-but-powerful five-step plan, just like in the book! Included are additional examples, visual guides, downloadable case studies and quizzes to help you leave your soul-sucking job once and for all! (But be smart about it.)