Borrow Danny’s Brain


Solve Your Thorniest Business Problems in Just 30 Minutes by Borrowing Danny’s Brain

If you continue to operate with the same solutions you’ve been using, you’re going to get the same results you’ve been getting. That’s just common sense. It’s also why one business coaching session with Danny can give you the jumpstart you need to conquer whatever challenge you’re facing.

[small class=”font-blue”]Unleash Danny’s Out-of-the-Box Thinking on Your Biggest Business Challenge

Just one session is all it takes. Danny’s 15 years of entrepreneurial experience gives him deep insight into the issues that affect most businesses. Things like…

  • Your online business has stalled and you don’t know how to jump-start it.
  • You can’t seem to attract enough traffic.
  • You’re getting traffic, but not enough subscribers.
  • Your products and services aren’t selling as well as you need, want, or expect.
  • An unusual business problem has you stumped.

And when he applies his unique brand of problem solving, you’ll know exactly what your next steps should be. Danny has helped thousands of entrepreneurs overcome their online business problems. He can help you too.

What People Are Saying About Danny’s Borrow My Brain Sessions…

Alden Tan

“After just one session with [Danny], I took my blog from less than 100 subscribers to over 1,000 in just a couple of months, and grew to 2,000 a month after that!”

Alden Tan B-Boy Blogger
Nathan Liao

“I had built an audience, but had nothing to sell them. Danny showed me what to do, and following his strategy, I brought in over $5,000 in 24 hours... before building a product! This funded the product's development and validated demand... amazing!”

Nathan Liao CMA Coach
Gary Korisko

“My blog traffic was tapering off and I didn't know why. Danny helped me untangle things, and create forward momentum - and as soon as I started implementing, things started growing. It was the turning point for my blog!”

Gary Korisko Reboot Authentic
Mary Jaksch

“I love the fact that Danny remains unfailingly helpful and generous despite his meteoric success.”

Mary Jaksch Editor-in-Chief of Write to Done and Founder of the Goodlife ZEN

Danny has helped thousands of entrepreneurs overcome their online business problems. He can help you too.

How it Works

Danny has helped thousands of entrepreneurs overcome their online business problems. He can help you too.

Simply click the button below to book your 30-minute business coaching session. Then, in your call, you and Danny will dig deep into the details of your problem. He’ll share his insights and give you a clearly stated, step-by-step strategy to move forward and get the results you desire.

Your cost is just $500.

And if you choose to pursue mentoring with Danny, he’ll apply the entire $500 toward the cost of his mentoring program!

Schedule your session now, and solve those nagging problems that are keeping you from building the business of your dreams.


Danny Iny (@DannyIny) is the founder of Mirasee, host of the Business Reimagined podcast, best-selling author of multiple books including Engagement from Scratch!, The Audience Revolution, and the weekly marketing podcast, Connect, Engage, Inspire!

Borrow Danny’s Brain today, and get Danny’s out-of-the-box thinking applied to your own business challenges.